A compound sentence is two (or more) independent clauses joined by a conjunction or semi-colon. Each of these clauses could form a sentence alone.
Additionally, terms and phrases like additionally, yet, at least, and (conjunctive adverbs). In this instance, a semicolon (;) must come before the conjunctive adverb, and a comma must go after it (,). Example of Compound Sentences with Semicolons and ConjunctiveAdverbs ...
Another way to join two clauses together is to use a semicolon. This method creates a smoother transition between two sentences than a period. Here’s an example fromExhalationby Ted Chiang: “But I’ve never prayed with the expectation that it would affect your actions; I prayed with the...
Similarly, a compound adjective is an adjective with two or more parts (e.g., free-range eggs, never-to-be-forgotten experience), and ice-cream is an example of a compound noun. Real-Life Examples of Compound Sentences Here are some real-life examples of compound sentences. Only two ...
1Place a comma before the coordinating conjunction. 2If you’re not using a coordinating conjunction, place a semicolon between the clauses. As always, you use a lowercase letter to start the second independent clause. Since compound sentences are a single sentence, only the first letter of ...
A compound sentence joins at least two or more simple sentences in three different ways: with a semicolon: This quarter our sales rates are twice lower than those of the previous month; we have to reconsider our sales policy.a co-ordinating conjunction: This quarter our sales rates are ...
You create a compound sentence by joining independent clauses with coordinators and a comma, or with a semicolon. If you leave out the joining elements, you have a run-on sentence, which is harder to read and understand. Compound sentences add meaning and flow to your writing. When you co...
At a very general level, acompound sentencejoins together two or more sentences whose ideas have equal value to each other. Often this is through the use of a conjunction like ''and'' or ''but.'' Using the terms of grammar, a simple compound sentence definition is a sentence that contai...
Compoundwith coordinating conjunction Compound-Complex withasemicolonand transitionalphrase EditingPractice: Directions:Readthesentencesbelow.Someofthemarecompoundsentences,andsomeofthem aresimplesentences.Underlinethesubjectsonceandtheverbstwice.Addcommasorsemicolons tothecompoundsentences.Rememberthatasentenceisnot...
Each main (independent) clause in the examples is underlined. In the first two sentences, the independent clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but). In the third example, the two main clauses are connected by a semicolon. ...