Example of Compound Sentences with Semicolons and ConjunctiveAdverbs She exclusively uses bright colors when painting; she detests pastels completely. She must work two jobs to support herself; at least, that was her excuse for being unable to join us. ...
Semicolons in Compound Sentences: SMART Board Resource for Capitalization and Punctuation (Grades 9-12) (eLesson Plan)
Go through this worksheet and take the quiz to see what you know about compound sentences. You will be quizzed on the different parts of these sentences. Quiz & Worksheet Goals Using these tools, you can check your understanding of:
(CompoundSentence) Ifyoudon'twanttouseasemicolon,youcouldalsouseacommaandoneoftheFANBOYSto connectyouroriginaltwosentences. Ifyouuse"however,"moreover,"oranothertransitionalphrasetoconnectyourideas,you needtouseasemicoloninfrontofitandacommaafterit. Example: Thecourseishard.Theteacherisprettyfunny. OR ...
A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses (complete sentences) that are joined by a conjunction or a semicolon. In your sentence, "I concluded that I really wanted to eat a pumpkin muffin" is one independent clause, and "I drove to the store to buy one for my...