A compound sentence is two (or more) independent clauses joined by a conjunction or semi-colon. Each of these clauses could form a sentence alone.
You'll want to use different sentence structures to keep your audience engaged.ProWritingAid's Sentence Structure reportcan help with that. Use ProWritingAid's visualizations to spot where you need to vary your sentence lengths. Too manylong sentencescan be boring, while too manyshort sentencesca...
You can also join compound sentences with a semicolon instead of a coordinating conjunction and a comma. For example, we can write the same sentence above like this: There are some ruins near my house; I go there sometimes when I need to think. To be considered complex, a sentence needs...
Compound Sentence Examples with a Semicolon Come back tomorrow; I will see if the parcel has arrived. I am happy to take over the role; I will do my best. You can pay your loans online; We accept all major credit cards. I only write nonfiction; I’ve never tried fiction. ...
(CompoundSentence) Ifyoudon'twanttouseasemicolon,youcouldalsouseacommaandoneoftheFANBOYStoconnectyouroriginaltwosentences. Ifyouuse"however,"moreover,"oranothertransitionalphrasetoconnectyourideas,youneedtouseasemicoloninfrontofitandacommaafterit.Example:Thecourseishard.Theteacherisprettyfunny.ORThecourseis...
Joining the Independent Clauses in a Compound Sentence In a compound sentence, the independent clauses are joined using one of the following 5 methods: (1) a conjunction with a comma (e.g., ", and") I like tea, and he likes coffee. (2) a semicolon I like hot chocolate; it send...
Alternatively, we can make a compound sentence by adding only a semicolon, and the sentence will still be correct: I have a pet iguana; his name is Fluffy. Although they’re talking about the same topic, the subject of each independent clause is different: The first clause’s subject isI...
Examples and definition of a Compound-Complex Sentence. Compound-complex sentences are the most complicated sentences, like the name implies. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.
What is a compound sentence? Learn how to write and identify the compound sentence structure with the following explanations and compound sentence...
"If a compound or acompound-complex sentencehas one or morecommasin the firstclause, you may want to use asemicolonbefore thecoordinating conjunctionbetween the two clauses. Its purpose is to show the reader very clearly the division between the two independent clauses."(Lee Brandon and Kelly...