List of compound words Part of speechOpen compoundsHyphenated compoundsClosed compounds Nounartificial intelligence, attorney general, common sense, French fries, high school, house party, living room, roller coaster, search engine, test drive, theme park, walking stickcheck-in, go-ahead, kick-off,...
Activity Name:Compound Words & Mime Game 【注:mime指哑剧、模拟表演。学生可以根据肢体语言传达自己所要表达的意思,然后让其他的学生进行猜测。】 Activity Steps: 1. Make a list of compound words. (See the list below) (制作好一张复合词汇的列表) 2...
合成词总结 Compound Word List 60words Compound Word List #1 lifetime elsewhere upside grandmother cannot baseball fireworks passport together become became sunflower crosswalk basketball sweetmeat superstructure moonlight football railroad rattlesnake anybody weatherman throwback skateboard meantime earthquake every...
学习英语前缀的趣味方式,玩起来吧!调动各个感官,让你体验过目不忘! 141播放 一个技巧就能让你的英语口语有韵律感和节奏感,效果即刻可见 1605播放 天空之境---海滩 West Sand of St Andrews 41播放 第54天分享了40个单词,下次是在09号时分享哦!
合成词compound_words 热度: AWL(academic_word_list)学术词汇表--雅思,托福 热度: 【英语考试 GRE】ACADEMIC WORD LIST 共(44页) 热度: CompoundWordList#1 lifetimeelsewhereupsidegrandmother cannotbaseballfireworkspassport togetherbecomebecamesunflower
Compound nouns are formed when two or more words are combined to create a single noun. Here is a list of 350 compound nouns.
Compound words are made by joining two or more words. Our list of compound words excludes both fractions and compound numbers from 21 to 91.
CompoundWordList#1 lifetime elsewhere upside grandmother cannot baseball fireworks passport together become became sunflower crosswalk basketball sweetmeat superstructure moonlight football railroad rattlesnake anybody weatherman throwback skateboard meantime
2.3. I havemergedthe two lists into one alphabetical list. 我将两份清单按字母顺序合并成了一份。 ●Mingle(使各种感觉; 或声音、气味等) 混合在一起,结合,如: 2.4. I felt excitementmingledwith fear. 我感到既兴奋又害怕。 2.5. ...
Learn about German compound nouns and the rules for their use. Discover how to use German compound words, see a German compound words list, and...