Fill-in-Blanks:Create a paragraph with key compound words removed. Allow kids to fill these blanks with appropriate words from an accompanying word bank list. Sentence Creation:Once familiar with numerous examples, have kids create original sentences integrating diverse compound words. ...
Help children visualize, understand, and learncompound words for kidswith these super cute, free printablecompound word puzzles. Thesecompound word picture puzzlesare such a fun, hands-on learning activity for pre-k, kindergarten, first graders, and 2nd grade students. Simply print thecompound word...
Using acompound word gamesis a fun, simple way to work on learning compound words while playing a fun learning game. Use this free printablecompund words games part of a literacy, or compound word activity or for extra work for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th gra...
Just for fun, we've added game of hangman, which selects a compound from this list as the secret word. Table of Contents A Reminder about Compound Nouns Sortable, Editable, and Printable List Learn with Hangman! A Reminder about Compound Nouns Compound nouns are formed when two or more ...
Printable worksheets to help you teach students about compound words. A compound word is made when two smaller words are joined together to form a new word.
This test is printable and sendable expandto full page showas slides downloadas .doc printas handout sendas homework displayQR code 0 0 1 not attemptedTrue or false? A compound adjective is a multi-word adjective. A. True B. False 2 not attemptedTrue or false? The words in a compo...
Winter Word Scamble Instantly download160+ pages of printable winter activitiesfor those colder months! Compound Words Vocabulary Worksheets My kids have always seemed to like learning about compound words. It seems to present a fun challenge for them: take two words that are relatively easy to spe...
Is there a definition of "energy type"? Why should C++ uint8_t data not be printable? How to render the word WOULD / MUST in the Reported Speech? more hot questions Question feed Subscribe to RSS Question feed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste t...
Using compound words– Students will identify only the compound words from the word list. Then, they will choose two compound words and use them in sentences. Compound words with pictures worksheets Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following: ...
These puzzles are self-correcting. If you print them double sided, the back of the puzzles will produce the compound word. Winter themed activities Once all the puzzle halves are matched, it’s time to match them to the compound word. ...