There are alternative methods of composting which do not require turning or adding extra water. These other options are perfect for those with apartments, those with freezing winters, and those who just don’t want to deal with a large outdoor compost pile. We’ll get to those methods later...
Hi I have some kariba worms at home can u give me some advice how to look after then and best way to keep them,I am a fisherman and one of my buckets … Ordering additional worms for my worm farm!!!Not rated yet Good day M. to get the worm heaven worm farm run at full swing...
But as someone who loves to travel, I suspect the first trip I take after I get the device will see me clipping it on as soon as I head for the airport and not removing it again until I’m back home. As for the device itself? I like a lot of what they’ve done. Small, rugge...
There are a wide variety of options when it comes to choosing the type of worm bin you want to set up. If you are the handy type you may want to build your own creation, OR if you don’t mind spending the money perhaps you will opt for purchasing a complete worm bin system (which...
composting processes, from detection and measurement to minimization and abatement. We focus on measurements of GHG to obtain reliable emission factors for designing composting technologies. This will help to compare waste treatment options based on integrated tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)....
Three DC options were analyzed and compared to determine the most viable option for Shefa-Amr, these being commercial composting, community composting, and home composting. According to the DECOST pilot plans [40], we classified commercial composters as treating 6–14 tons per site per month, ...
And since they are off-grid, they are ideal for the RV, barn, tiny home, homestead, and any household that is wise enough to punt their water-wasting flush toilet to the curb (or turn it into ahillbilly-style planterto horrify your neighbors) and embrace a new way of living. ...