Step 3 of how to compost is to mix everything together in a compost heap, bin, or tumbler. Try to make sure the different ingredients are well-mixed, almost as if you were baking something in the kitchen. Compost is like cooking a nutritious snack for your garden beds. Compost piles an...
When picking a spot, keep in mind that some people might consider compost piles an eyesore. Avoid placing them near neighbors or on the front lawn. It’s also nice to have them near your garden for ease of access. You want a place that has good air circulation, so don’t put it nex...
Comment: I have a compost and need some worms. I live in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and have not yet seen one in my garden although I have lived here for nearly … Worm farm near Hannover and Germany Hello I´m interested in worm composting, and I would like to see a worm farm before...
however; I do reccomend you add lots of garden soil to your worm bin if you are making it as the video instructs. This system will (even if proper methods are in use) will smell. Having the vermacomposting bin anywhere near our kitchen attrcted a great deal of fruit flies :S …....
I am very new to vermicomposting, just got my worms yesterday. THe day before I set up the bedding according to the direcions included with my worm bin. THat is, wet coir, shreded paper, dark garden soil. It also asked for some sand and/or egg shells. Since i didn’t have many ...
composting processes, from detection and measurement to minimization and abatement. We focus on measurements of GHG to obtain reliable emission factors for designing composting technologies. This will help to compare waste treatment options based on integrated tools such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)....
Just as important is the availability of a “suitable site for placing the compost facility”. Such an area can be a local waste transfer station, or a community recycling center, or even a community garden with sufficient space. It can also be any vacant lot that meets the required guideli...
I recommend collecting them in the fall for use throughout the year, and whatever you don’t use by the next fall can go straight on the garden as mulch. Some people recommend buying coconut coir or peat moss from your garden supply store. If you want to waste money, it is convenient...