not present in the soil or compost that you receive. To keep your topsoil organic we suggest pulling up common weeds, when and if they appear, instead of using chemical weed-killers. Or purchase some of our anti-weed prevent membrane and some gravel or mulch, for an easy weed-free ...
Linaria purpurea plant last fall, now dispatched (by me). Speaking of terrible finalities, I actually made myself yank out three magnificent specimens of toadflax,Linaria purpurea, one of my favourite near-weeds. They looked great all last summer and into fall, when the foliage turned an int...
Manure is one of the most important ingredients for its nitrogen content and microbe population, as long as it is from animals that are healthy, happy and drug-free. I often use a couple of inches of compost in a new bed, but as little as 1/90th of an inch can be extremely benefici...
but it does have normal operation sounds. These noises are about the same volume and pitch as my printer or slightly quieter than my dishwasher… but they do continue for a much longer period than either of those devices. My Lomi is near my desk in my office, and while it doesn’t bot...
Aerobic compost like a compost pile, bin, or tumbler should be turned often to decompose efficiently. Think of it as a free gym pass! Try to turn the compost once a week. I suppose you could turn it a few times a week, but I have never had the time or inclination to test that ou...
Ask at your local coffee shop and they may be only too happy to give you bags of this waste product for free. What all these natural activators have in common is that they have a very high nitrogen content, making them powerful accelerants, especially if your compost heap has lots of ...
Well, you could do what I do which is throw the rotten veggies far into the woods if you are lucky enough to live near the edge of a forest, or you could Trench Compost.Trunch Composting in the Hudson Valley This past Tuesday (March 22, 2022) on Facebook, I saw that the Farmer's...
Cool. I’ll have to go read that again with the top of the page towering over me.) And someone go turn J.H. Williams III loose on this new boundary-less paradigm, because if there’s anybody who wants to break free of the page, it’s him. Bottom line – I know I’ll always ...
Purchasing stuff to compost sounds as silly to me as it does to you. "the qualities of these bacteria, like the heat of the sun, electricity, or the qualities of metals, are part of the storehouse of knowledge of all men. They are manifestations of the laws of nature, free to all ...
“this stuff may be hot,” but they bought it anyway. One day, I made a delivery to a woman who operated a small nursery. She grew shrubs in big containers and I noticed her containers were free of weeds, while other nurseries always had a weed problem. I complimented...