However, before you get rid of your compost, you should be certain that you don’t have a use for it yourself. In addition to mixing compost into your soil, you can also layer it on top of your garden beds and use it as a mulch. If you keep horses or cows, compost can be used...
Compost is free and rich in nutrients. What more could you ask for? How about an effective mulch? Toss all of your yard waste into acompost bin, and use the mixture as mulch for your garden beds. Compost is especially great for vegetable gardens, and the process is DIY-friendly. Everyd...
It was moved to the garden in 1907 during the Meiji Era. This Zen Buddhist sanctum used to be located at Tokeiji, a temple in Kamakura famous for providing refuge to women seeking release from marriage. Yokobuean was built in 1908 during the Meiji Era. It is said that this countryside-...
There’s nothing quite as enjoyable in summer as relaxing in yourgarden. It’s your personal kingdom and you can make it beautiful in whatever manner appeals to you. No matter your style or level of horticultural sophistication, whether you’re looking for compost, or planning a com...
In this article, we will outline why it is important to account for light, temperature, humidity, and amount of rain when selecting a place to plant your succulent.
aAdd inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers may be your only option in a small garden where there is no space to store bulky organic fertilizers. They can be combined with homemade compost and leafmold. 增加无机肥料。 无机肥料在一个小庭院里也许是仅您的选择,没有存放庞大的有机肥料的空间。
but they are not always free of cost. You can ask hardware, garden power equipment, and nursery shops by the name of the company in charge of moving pallets from one place to another (be courteous and friendly with them). The best times for contacting such companies are early morning or...
If you want good garden results this year or next, you can start growing some plants in a raised bed or containers while building soil in a larger area for a future garden. Ways to Enrich Poor Soil Soil amendment This takes a few years and can include adding compost and manure to the ...
Did you ever give up on a plant and find that, despite being left for dead, it pulled a Lazarus and came back to the land of the living? I had two such pleasant surprises in my garden this week. I managed to resist the Phormium craze for ten solid years of gardening; then I saw...
Best of all, they cleverly absorb mould spores, so pop one in a damp corner to help it dry out. If your home is mould-free, show off its good looks in the living room where it can be best admired. Pet owners beware, though, this plant is toxic for dogs and cats....