Exported Excel (exportedexcel) ExportSolutionUpload External Identity (adx_externalidentity) Fabric AISkill (fabricaiskill) Favorite knowledge article (msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle) Fax featurecontrolsetting FederatedKnowledgeConfiguration FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfiguration Feedback Field Permission (FieldPermissio...
A component of a CRM solution. Messages The following table lists the messages for the Solution Component (SolutionComponent) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events. The following table lists selected properties for the Solution Component (S...
PropertyValue Description The parent ID of the subcomponent, which will be a root DisplayName Root App Module Component IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName rootappmodulecomponentid RequiredLevel None Type UniqueidentifierRootComponentBehavior展開...
方法/步骤 1 具体的方法如下:1.使用C1.WPF.C1Chart.Extended,导出C1Chart到MemoryStream object。2.通过C1Excel control for WPF控件,使用上步的memorystream创建Excel文件。保存C1WPFChart到MemoryStream第一步是保存c1Chart到memerystream。我们需要添加引用到工程里:C1.WPF.C1Chart.Extended.dll。实现的代码如下...
PropertyValue Description Sequence number of the import that created this record. DisplayName Import Sequence Number IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName importsequencenumber RequiredLevel None Type Integer MaxValue 2147483647 MinValue -2147483648Is...
The following list of Excel file formats are supported in Spreadsheet: MS Excel (.xlsx) MS Excel 97-2003 (.xls) Comma Separated Values (.csv) Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (.xlsm) Excel Binary Workbook(.xlsb) Save The Spreadsheet control saves its data, style, format, and more as Excel ...
To get a configured Gantt chart Exporting, you can follow the steps outlined in the video linked below: To export data to Excel and CSV, inject theExcelExportmodule in Gantt. Composition API (~/src/App.vue) Options API (~/src/App.vue) ...
fileType === 'application/vnd.ms-excel' ) return FileChartBarOutline; if ( fileType === 'application/msword' || fileType === 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' ) return FileWordOutline; if (fileType.startsWith('audio/')) return FileMusicOutline; ...
The WinForms Scroll Frame is a component that allows users to customize the appearance of scroll bars for any control derived from the scrollable controls such MS ListView, Panel and more. It provides complete control over its appearance to customize the scroll bars, context menus and more. Appe...
The summary function allows you to caculate on multiple rows of data and display the results. It automatically calculates thetotal sum, theaverage, themaximum and minimum value, and updates each result whenever the value changes. Tree Data ...