PropertyValue Description Unique identifier of the user who created the solution DisplayName Created By IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName createdby RequiredLevel None Type Lookup Targets systemuserCreatedOn展开表 PropertyValue Description Date and time when the solution was created. ...
然后建立并运行。 Office Viewer component支持所有版本的MS Word。要将MS Excel或PowerPoint Visio、Project嵌入到WPF应用程序中,你只需要调用Open方法,如下所示: public void Open() { //axEDOffice1.OpenFileDialog(); axEDOffice1.Open(sPath, "Word.Application"); axEDOffice1.Open(sPath, "Excel.Application"...
Description Reason for the status of the Solution Component Relationship Configuration DisplayName Status Reason IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName statuscode RequiredLevel None Type Status DefaultFormValue GlobalChoiceName solutioncomponentrelationshipconfiguration_statuscode status...
Exported Excel (exportedexcel) ExportSolutionUpload External Identity (adx_externalidentity) Fabric AISkill (fabricaiskill) Favorite knowledge article (msdyn_favoriteknowledgearticle) Fax featurecontrolsetting FederatedKnowledgeConfiguration FederatedKnowledgeEntityConfiguration Feedback Field Permission (FieldPermissio...
PropertyValue Description Indicates the include behavior of the root component. DisplayName Root Component Behavior IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName rootcomponentbehavior RequiredLevel None Type Picklist DefaultFormValue -1 GlobalChoiceName appmodulecomponent_rootcomponentbehaviorRoot...
• Minimum 5-year working experience in a similar position of buying electronic components; however, preference will be given to those with 8 years of experience. • Strong negotiation and excellent communication skills in English • Good knowledge of MS Office (e.g. Excel, Power Point) ...
Get started with this simple example of the Import and Export Wizard Start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Connect to Data Sources with the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Steps in the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Import from or export to Excel Load data to SQL Server or...
This feature is only applicable when importing an Excel file and not when loading JSON data or binding cell data.Supported file formatsThe following list of Excel file formats are supported in Spreadsheet:MS Excel (.xlsx) MS Excel 97-2003 (.xls) Comma Separated Values (.csv) Excel Macro-...
ActiveX document container for hosting Office documents (including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Visio documents).
Get started with this simple example of the Import and Export Wizard Start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Connect to Data Sources with the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Steps in the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Import from or export to Excel ...