This equation can be solved using the base 2 logarithm: 2x=16becomeslog2(2x) = log2(16)becomesx log2(2) = 4log2(2) = 1x*1=4equalsx = 4What is the difference between the natural logarithm and the base 2 logarithm? The natural logarithm uses e as the base and the log2 uses ...
1) This is a complex math equation that involves complex numbers and an imaginary number. The complex numbers are {eq}(6hi + 2) {/eq} and {eq}(5i - 8) {/eq}. The purely imaginary number is {eq}5i {/eq}. The first step is to FOIL the right side of this equation: {eq}5i...
Equation (8.4) shows that, although there are no real roots, there in fact two complex roots that exist as a complex-conjugate pair. For example, g(x) has complex roots given by z=+1±1−42=12±32i The roots can be verified by evaluating the function at these complex values 12...
The equation equals Eq. (1.189), but the form is not divided into two conjugated eigenvalues, which are now enclosed in the expanded range 2N, so that (3.39)λr=λr+N⁎ and (3.40)Rr=Rr+N⁎. The impulse response based on the model (3.38) is (see also Eq. (1.91)) (3.41)h(...
Note that there is a minus sign in the real part since, at some point, we faced a multiplication of two imaginary numbers i ⋅ ii⋅i, which equals −1−1 by definition. Multiplying complex numbers isn't that scary. Is it? So what about dividing complex numbers? Let...
Definition:The imaginary unit i is the solution to the equation x2+1=0. Imaginary unit has the property i2=-1 Let’s try to see what numbers we can get by raising the imaginary unit to other powers: i0=1 (Every number raised to zero power equals to 1) ...
This equation has a unique solution if x is positive and no solution otherwise. In the context of complex numbers, a logarithm of the complex number z is any complex number w such that ew = z. This equation has no solution if z = 0, and it has infinitely many solutions otherwise: ...
Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc ...
Again, we see that we obtain equivalent results with DSolve. First, we find a general solution of the equation, naming the resulting output gensol. Clear[x,y] gensol=DSolve[x∧2y”[x]−5xy′[x]+10y[x]==0, y[x],x] {{y[x]→x3C[2]Cos[Log[x]]+x3C[1]Sin[Log[x]]}} No...
This means that the parabola always crosses y = 0 and the roots are both real. The argument doesn't quite work for m = 0 but then the equation is ThemeCopy -2x^2 + 2 = 0 which has roots +-1. Also there are some divergence problems when m = 2 exactly. 0 Comments Sign in ...