Complementary Reimagined / Unbound 是一个适用于 Java 版 OptiFine 和 Iris 光影加载器的光影包,是 Complementary Shaders 的作者 Emin 经过近一年半完全重构的独立作品 本光影较适合生存,兼容较多模组,各项功能相较于 v4 版本有了更加好的质量且性能更好,但许多功能默认关闭,有需求的请自行打开, 且r 5.0+ 版...
Complementary Reimagined / Unbound 是一个适用于 Java 版 OptiFine 和 Iris 光影加载器的光影包,是 Complementary Shaders 的作者 Emin 经过近一年半完全重构的独立作品 本光影较适合生存,兼容较多模组,各项功能相较于 v4 版本有了更加好的质量且性能更好,但许多功能默认关闭,有需求的请自行打开, 且r 5.0+ 版...
Complementary Reimagined/Unbound光影包适用于Java版的OptiFine和Iris光影加载器,由Complementary Shaders的作者Emin经过近一年半的完全重构而成的独立作品。这个版本特别适合生存模式,兼容很多模组,并且在质量和性能上都有所提升,但许多功能默认是关闭的,需要用户根据需求自行开启。 Reimagined风格主要是对原版独特视觉效果的...
Complementary Shaders is dedicated to be shaped by user feedback over anything else, and it still receives regular updates to this day."Reimagined" is one of the two default styles Complementary Shaders r5 comes with. It focuses on preserving the unique visual elements of Minecraft and ...
1.20.1Comp..GPU是RTX 4070的,版本是forge 1.20.1的,用embbeddium和oculus做的平台,安装Complementary Shaders - Reimagined光影后能进游戏,但是
Complementary Reimagined r5.3 ReleaseR 1.21.3 Nov 4, 2024 Complementary Reimagined r5.2.2 ReleaseR 1.21.1 Jul 6, 2024 Minecraft 1.19 Complementary Reimagined r5.4 ReleaseR 1.21.4 Jan 29, 2025 Complementary Reimagined r5.3 ReleaseR 1.21.3 Nov 4, 2024 Complementary Reimagined r5.2.2 ReleaseR 1.21....
All that being said, let’s talk some more about the Complementary Reimagined shader pack. What does this shader do right? Well, a better question would be what does this shader do wrong, to which we would say, basically nothing at all! It’s a really impressive shader for a couple of...
Complementary Shaders – Unbound 光影是Complementary Shaders系列的一个分支版本,旨在提供更加自由和无拘无束的视觉体验。与Reimagined版本相比,Unbound版本专注于通过改变默认设置来实现对Minecraft视觉效果的更现实的改造。尽管这两个版本在功能上相似,但Unbound版本通过其默认设置提供了一个与Reimagined不同的视觉风格...
Complementary Shaders comes with two distinct visual style options. The only difference between these two styles is the default settings. The Unbound style is designed for people looking for a more realistic experience, while the Reimagined style is made to reimagine Minecraft while preserving its ...
Complementary Shaders is dedicated to be shaped by user feedback over anything else, and it still receives regular updates to this day."Reimagined" is one of the two default styles Complementary Shaders r5 comes with. It focuses on preserving the unique visual elements of Minecraft and ...