All that being said, let’s talk some more about the Complementary Reimagined shader pack. What does this shader do right? Well, a better question would be what does this shader do wrong, to which we would say, basically nothing at all! It’s a really impressive shader for a couple of... Unbound Modrinth 安装器相关 现在除Complementary Reimagined / Unbound 外,亦可提供 Euphoria Patches 的安装 有高度自定义光影选项需求的玩家,在这里诚信推荐安装 Euphoria Patches, 可在r5.0+ 版本...
(BSL光影 vsComplementaryShaders光影) hyawq· 2022-1-3 50186 03:05 手机运行电脑光影-ComplementaryShadersV4.7.1 HMCL-pe 起个名字真楠a· 4-12 29040 01:54 4060tiComplementaryShaders光影测试 Wambaf· 9-21 3710 03:26 ComplementaryShaders光影展示 ...
1.在flywheel backend设置为instancing的情况下,打开complementary reimagined 5.0的设置界面>Materials>Integrated Materials将Generated Normals设置为on并将RP support设置为Integrated PBR+后,大箱子的中间会出现奇怪的裂缝: 将backend设置为off后即可恢复正常: 相关
Therefore, you can only enjoy the aurora borealis and all other effects on the PC. Nevertheless, we have linked an equally impressive free alternative shader for MCPE in the download section. By the way, check out the newer Complementary Reimagined shaders and Spooklementary shaders....
This branch is48 commits ahead of,22 commits behindComplementaryDevelopment/ComplementaryReimagined:main. Update Oct 7, 2024 Overimagined Shaders Overimagined no longer exists! But don't worry, we have moved! Download it from the official website
[光影推荐]我愿称之为最强生存光影—Complementary及其euphoria-patches补丁 有人问itt3的极端云怎么设置🤔实际上都拉满就行了 我的世界光影 汉化版Complementary Reimagined 全站大佬都在用的ComplementaryShader,是否也有人对它的高饱和色调审美疲劳?【MC光影着色器调教方案分享】 【大胆】在学校机房玩我的世界pvp是...
Complementary Unbound支持版本:1.7.2 ~ 1.20.6配置要求:★★☆☆☆作者:EminGTR同系列光影Complementary Reimagined详见:【MC资源帖】光影推荐(二):幻想风格官网下载:下载:下载:https://...
我的世界低配光影ComplementaryShaders,核显本也能用。(光影放简介里) WYunRe 2.4万 -- 3:7 (BSL光影 vs ComplementaryShaders光影) hyawq 2.4万 151 6:43 关于Complementary光影的参数调整教程 restart浪生 18.1万 202 2:3 [光影推荐]我愿称之为最强生存光影—Complementary及其euphoria-patches补丁 阳光下的...
我的世界:生存光影ComplementaryShaders参数调试教程,让你用起来更舒服! 37.4万 262 00:32 App 请选择你的MC光影 42.1万 176 01:21 App 生存光影最佳选择!Complementary!画面与流畅兼顾! 2.5万 1 07:04 App 我的世界光影Complementary Reimagined汉化版 1.3万 1 04:27 App 关于Complementary光影的一点小问题 1....