在windows平台上安装python c extension的扩展包是件很痛苦的事情,一般通过安装vc/vs系列来编译C扩展,不过安装包都比较大。或者通过mingw编译,不过有时会在兼容性上出现点问题。 有个好消息就是微软为Python提供了专用的编译器Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7(包含32位和64位) 下载地址:http://aka.m...
真正下载地址: http://origin.www.ms.akadns.NET/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44266 那个微软地址好像不可用。 分类: 技术 0 0 « 上一篇: Kotlin : Retrofit + RxAndroid + Realm » 下一篇: Install OpenCV on Ubuntu or Debian
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler forPython2.7简称vcforpython27.msi ,windows平台使用的python编译扩展器,以前都是vc/vs系列来的,但是安装包特别大而且容易出错,这次微软官方推出的专门的版本,赶紧下载吧。 官方介绍 该软件包包含为Python软件包生成二进制数据轮所需的编译器和系统头文件集。然后可以在任何Windows系统上...
OpenModelica compiler (omc) interface for Python Change log See CHANGELOG.md Installation $ python3 -m pip install OpenModelicaCompiler omc4pyis acutual package name. importomc4py Prerequisites Follow the link PlatformLink Windowshttps://openmodelica.org/download/download-windows/ ...
DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTATION Pyjion is a drop-in JIT Compiler for Python 3.10. It can be pip installed into a CPython 3.10 installation on Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows. Pyjion can make your Python code execute faster without any code changes. ...
This option that is different is--run, and passing on arguments after the first non-option to the created binary, so it is somewhat more similar to what plainpythonwill do. Installation For most systems, there will be packages on thedownload pageof Nuitka. But you can also install it from...
上传者:dbnjzy时间:2021-06-02 Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7(part 1) 用pip安装scrapy的时候出现的问题。但是微软网站又抽风了,半天下载不下来。 放在这里做个备份。 由于CSDN的上传限制,把文件拆分了,这里是第一部分。 上传者:zhyl8157121时间:2016-02-01...
python2.7.xWindows32位和64位.zip python2.7.xWindows32位和64位,python-2.7_32.15.msi,python-2.7.13.amd64.msi 上传者:weixin_41896770时间:2020-03-20 Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7(part 2) 用pip安装scrapy的时候出现的问题。但是微软网站又抽风了,半天下载不下来。 放在这里做个备份。
InstallMATLAB Runtimethat matches the version of MATLAB used to compile the Python package. For details, seeDownload and Install MATLAB Runtime. Add theMATLAB Runtimefolders to the library path environment variable. For details, seeSet MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment. ...
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