Comparison&ContrastEssay Comparison:showingupsimilarities.Contrast:makingdifferences/dissimilaritiesknowntoreaders.TheFunctionofComparisonandContrast:1.Toexplainsth.yourreadersprobablydon’tknowaboutbycomparingitwithsth.elsetheyprobablyknowabout.Explanationofduplication 说明雷同 2.Toconvinceyourreadersthatoneoftheitemsis...
4.5 Comparison and Contrast(上) 通过对精选语篇的系统分析,提高学生对英语的理解能力、赏析能力和应用能力。视频讲授内容覆盖对文章的篇章结构、词汇语法、主题内容、文化背景、修辞手法、写作技巧、人物刻画等方面的分析,培养学生评判英语文本的能力,以及对西方文化
写作与修辞 contrast and comparison 的用法与比较.pptx,parison and contrast are two thinking processes we constantly perform in our daily life、 We might pare and contrast two cities, two products, two books, two plays or films, etc、 although parison usua
1、development by comparison and contrastlcomparison and contrast are two thinking processes we constantly perform in our daily life. we might compare and contrast two cities, two products, two books, two plays or films, etc. although comparison usually indentifies similarities and contrast points ...
This ends the first part of this page, the explanation of the differences between the classic organizational styles of comparison and contrast essays, (1) block and (2) point-by-point or alternating arrangement. How to Support Your Point of View though Comparison and Contrast It was stated...
aas a result of the tiring and lengthy production of Caesar and Cleopatra,doctors requested Vivien to retreat to a hospital to improve her battle with tuberculosis. 由于Caesar和Cleopatra的令人疲劳和长的生产,医生请求Vivien撤退对医院改进她的与结核病的争斗。[translate] ...
He structures his paragraph around points of comparison instead of subjects, moving back and forth between the subjects. The specifics of both subjects are placed close together for direct and immediate comparison and contrast, and transitions are often used so as to avoid abrupt switching between ...