解析 "I like playing basketball." has a positive connotation, indicating that the person enjoys playing basketball. On the other hand, "I don't like math." has a negative connotation, indicating that the person does not enjoy math.反馈 收藏 ...
form a contrast. Phonetics, Linguistics[Ling.]to differ in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings:The sounds(p)and(b)contrast in the words "pin'' and "bin.'' n. the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted. a striking exhibition of unlikeness. ...
1、Compare means to see the similarity and contrast means to see the difference. According to various dictionaries, compare means ‘to represent things or objects in respect of similarity’ and contrast means ‘to represent things in respect of differences.’ Apart from these meanings, one struggle...
Explanation:compare; close to Phrases:比较(bǐ jiào) comparison,contrast ; 比如(bǐ rú) for example, for 你能看出这个字( ) 里有两个人站得很近吗?它所指的意义很多,原先是“亲近”、“亲密”的意思,后来两个人站着比高低,就有“比较”、“对照”等意思了。你听过一句世代相传 的诗文:“海内存...
the well-known verse: 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 (keeping good friends in mind wherever they roam, even to the ends of the earth, you would feel them as close as next door.) Over time it has evolved and acquired the additional meanings of “compare” as in 比较 and 对比,as well as 比喻...
Compare and Contrast the Impression given by Blake and Wordsworth'sLondon and Composed on Westminster Bridgeto show how the Poets havecommunicated their Meanings to youThe two poems give a excellent visual description of London in very different ways; in Blake's poem he describes the city as a...
Compare and Contrast: The Bath/A Small Good Thing essaysRaymond Carver is the author of two parallel stories, "The Bath" and "A Small Good Thing". Both of these stories have similarities and differences. "The Bath" is a more nonspecific story lacking n
Compare and contrast the English oral expression ‘his book’ and its Chinese equivalent ‘ta de shu’ ,and discuss the similarities and differences between the two expressions in terms of syntactic constructions and grammatical meanings. 相关知识点: ...
【题目】'his book'和“他的书”有什么异同?汉语语言学和语言习得的问题Compare and contrast the English oral expression 'his book' and its Chinese equivalent 'tade shu',and discuss the similarities and differences between the two expressions in termsof syntactic constructions and grammatical meanings. ...
When comparing Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” to Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” it seems that there are plenty of obvious similarities that are on the surface and there are subtle differences that one can find when they truly look deep into the meanings of things. In both poems...