ma_smalltable的作用在于Python(不管是源码还是代码)都大量使用dict,一般来说,存储的元素也不会太多,因此Python就先开辟好PyDict_MINSIZE(默认为8)个空间。 为什么说PyDictObject存在浪费呢,PyDictEntry在32位下也有12个字节,那么即使在ma_smalltable(ma_table)中大量的位置没有被使用时,也要占用这么多字节。用这篇...
compact 级别 第6级 音标 [ kəmˈpækt ] 解释 adj.紧密的,简明的,紧凑的;v.使紧凑,压缩 英英释义 consisting of parts that are positioned together closely or in a tidy way, using very little space 发音 例句 1. It was a compact package. 这是个捆得很紧的包裹。 2. The article ...
compact的基本意思是把许多东西装在一起或挤在一起,以形成紧密的团块或不可分割的整体,强调挤压的过程而不强调结果,可用于具体的物体,也可用于抽象事物。引申可表示“加固”“加强”。 compact可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。
コンパクト[compact]」的词性 - [名] ,「コンパクト[compact] 」的意思 - [ 白粉おしろい・パフなどを入れる、鏡つき] - MOJi辞書
2) realcompact space 实紧3) Compactability 紧实率 1. Research on the Method and Device for Fast Testing Permeability and Compactability of Green Sand and Compaction of Mould; 湿型砂透气性、紧实率及铸型紧实度快速测定方法与装置研究 2. The research of microcomputer controll sand compactability...
1) compact disc 光碟 2) Pornographic Videodiscs 淫秽光碟 1. On Difficulties and Strategies of Current Police Actions againstPornographic VideodiscsSale——A Research Report on the Prevalence ofPornographic VideodiscsSale in Lianhua Community of Kunming City; ...
1) compact[英][kəm'pækt] [美][kəm'pækt] 压制,压紧 2) compression brake 压紧制动器 3) compaction[英][kəm'pækʃən] [美][kəm'pækʃən] 压紧 1. It is improved to increase the sealing performance and using life of furnace door in the heating fu...
adj.big, dispersed, loose 临近词compaction, comp, compacta, compactly, compactin, compacton, compactum, compactor, compacted, compacter, compacting, compact GA 相似词comorbidity, Comoros, comp, comp time, compact disc, compaction, compactor, compadre, 返回compact上...
【Compact】 , 【consolidate】 , 【unify】 , 【concentrate】 are comparable when meaning to bring or gather together the parts, particles, elements, or units of a thing so as to form a close mass or an integral whole. 【Compact】 stresses the process more than the effect. It usually sugge...
【Compact】 suggests 【close】 and firm union or consolidation of parts, especially within a small compass; it often also implies neat or effective arrangement. 【Thick】(see also STOCKY) usually applies to something which is condensed or is made up of abundant and concentrated parts. ...