ma_smalltable的作用在于Python(不管是源码还是代码)都大量使用dict,一般来说,存储的元素也不会太多,因此Python就先开辟好PyDict_MINSIZE(默认为8)个空间。 为什么说PyDictObject存在浪费呢,PyDictEntry在32位下也有12个字节,那么即使在ma_smalltable(ma_table)中大量的位置没有被使用时,也要占用这么多字节。用这篇...
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【Compact】 , 【consolidate】 , 【unify】 , 【concentrate】 are comparable when meaning to bring or gather together the parts, particles, elements, or units of a thing so as to form a close mass or an integral whole. 【Compact】 stresses the process more than the effect. It usually sugge...
[kəmˈpækts] 是什么意思 v. 压紧, (使)坚实( compact的第三人称单数 ); 双语释义 v.(动词) vt. & vi. 压紧,(使)坚实press sth firmly together adj.(形容词) 装填紧密的,整齐填满的closely packed together; neatly fitted in a small space ...
The header is followed by the TopDICT subtable, which stores offsets to other subtables. The TopDICT subtable is followed by the GlobalSubrINDEX subtable, which stores CharString data (see below) that can be re-used in multiple glyph descriptions....
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Documentation 57 Appendix H CFF DICT Encoding 59 Appendix I Changes Since Earlier Versions 61 6 (4 Dec 03) The Compact Font Format Specification 1 Introduction This document describes the specification of a font format that is suitable for compactly representing one or more Type 1 or CID-keyed ...
print(merged_dict) Output: {'name': 'Domenica Iva', 'age': 28, 'city': 'New York'} Explanation: The dictionary comprehension iterates over the range of indices for the lists 'keys' and 'values'. For each index 'i', it pairs 'keys[i]' with 'values[i]' to create key-value pai...
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