中文摘要:社区旅游(Community-based Tourism)是在 20 世纪末大众旅游迅速发展的背景下发展起来的。大众旅游活动对旅游地 … www.lunwentianxia.com|基于4个网页 3. 社区取向的旅游 旅研词典 - 旅游研究网(cotsa) ... ·Community-based Tourism社区取向的旅游· Environmental Pilgrimage 环境朝圣 ... ...
【题目】阅读理解Community-based tourism (CBT) is a type of sustainable(可持续的) tourism where residents invite travellers to visit or stay in their communities with the purpose of providing an experience of the local cultures and traditions. These communities are often rural and economically ...
Most of the time, community-based tourism projects are successful due to cooperation between the community and some kind of1ourisn experts. (CBT通常由目的地的当地政府开发,但也可以得到非营利组织、其他社区、私人基金的帮助,甚至与旅游公司合作。大多数时候,基于社区的旅游项目是成功的,因为社区和我们的...
acannot type chineses now, talk to you later my bro! cannot type chineses now, talk to you later my bro![translate] a Value chain analysis 价值链分析[translate] a Community-based tourism, 基于社区的旅游业,[translate]...
Community-based tourism (CBT) is a form of responsible tourism that supports local communities and improves livelihoods. The tourism destination is managed by the local community members themselves. With general tourism, visits are often marketed and organized by private travel companies. The bulk of...
Community-based tourismcommunitycollective actionreciprocityCommunity-based tourism (CBT) is a way of organizing tourism that must have a consistent effect on the configuration of the community. Therefore, community is a strategic element in the analysis of CBT. However, studies into CBT are usually ...
1. This paper examines a new concept of community-based tourism(CBET) that originated in foreign country. 本文引入了国外基于社区的生态旅游这一新发展理念。更多例句>> 2) ecotourism destination community 生态旅游目的地社区3) Community-based ecotourism 社区生态旅游 1. Community-Based Ecotourism ...
Community-based tourismnational parksSenegalcolonial policiesIn Sub-Saharan Africa, resource managers often promote community-based tourism (CBT) around national parks as a win-win strategy for local sustainable development and conserving biodiversity. In Senegal, however, the social, economic, and ...
#神奇泰国新篇章# 之C——Community Based Tourism 。在泰国,社区旅游,正在成为越来越多想要体验泰国传统生活方式游客的旅行优选,每一个社区都充满了他们独特的魅力。诚挚邀请大家到泰国体验社区旅游,体验当地的学习生活方式、及风俗文化。但这么多社区,从哪里开始体验呢?以下是获得 2021泰国旅游金奖的 10 个社区,您...