(2008). A misguided quest: Community-based tourism in Latin America. London: Overseas Development Institute.Mitchell, J., & Muckosy, P. (2008). A misguided quest: Community-based tourism in Latin America. ODI Opinion, 102.
, tourism operators, and tourists. Aside from primary data, secondary data examined include Labuan Bajo master plan, tourism development master plan and Labuan Bajo statistic. The study shows that Labuan Bajo has potentials to become an innovative settlement by developing the community-b...
This context led to the design of Há-Vita, an interactive web platform based on the concept of “community-based tourism ventures” [5] which is defined as initiatives that aim to care for the environment (ecotourism) as well as ensuring the empowerment of local communities. Through the fost...
7.2:ExtendtheScopeoftheTourismCommunity 7.3:MindaribbaAboriginalCouncilMuseumandCommunity Centre,Metford 7.4:Events 7.5:LocalEducationCampaign 7.6:Accommodation 7.7:TheHunterRiver 7.8:MaitlandHeritageArchitecture 7.9:InnovativeMarketing 7.10:ImprovingBasicAmenity:Parks,GroundsandSurrounds ...
Tourism Community Relationships 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The study of tourism is, arguably, ready for a thorough theoretical yet empirical analysis of the relationship between tourism and host communities. Pearce, Moscardo and Ross deal with the impacts tourism is having on communities ...
In Los Esteros del Iberá, local people were offered to start tourism businesses in the area, but this only benefited those who were in a position to realize such ventures. Furthermore, market-based neoliberal conservation contests its critics through an argument of “eventually getting the ...
We set out to assess the social impacts of tourism in a Community Based Tourism (CBT) destination by asking the following questions; (1) from a community and individual perspective, what are the major issues faced in a CBT destination?, and (2) is there any pattern to, or similarity betw...
CommunityBasedNaturalResourceManagement,Tourism andPovertyAlleviationinSouthernAfrica: WhatWorksandWhatDoesn’tWork PercyMabvutoNgwira UniversidadNebrija,Madrid,Spain OluwatoyinDareKolawole,JosephE.Mbaiwa UniversityofBotswana,Maun,Botswana Communitybasednaturalresourcemanagement(CBNRM)isperhapsthemostimportanttoolfordrivin...
(2021) Reviving tourism industry post-COVID-19: A resilience-based framework. Tour Manag Perspect 37, 100786. Google Scholar Song YX, Sun YH, Yuan Z, et al. (2021) Research on the perception of resilience of agricultural heritage community under...