CSA是英文Community-supported Agriculture(或Community Shared Agriculture)的缩写,汉语直译为“社区支持型农业”(或“社区分享型农业”),它是一种农场和社区之间的合作形式,社区居民通过预付定金等形式支持农场生产,农场则承诺为社区居民提供安全、新鲜的当季农产品。 CSA的概念于20世纪60年代不约而同地产生于欧洲的德国...
Community Supported Agriculture CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCE LOCAL • QUALITY • AFFORDABLE From our hands to yours! We are currently sold out for our 2024 CSA. To get on our waitlist, please go to the waitlist link on the "Join our CSA" page. What We O
Support@OneAcreFarm.com What is a CSA? Should I Wash My Veggies
Community supported agriculture (CSA) is an alternative food marketing and distribution model in which consumers pay a membership fee before the season in return for a weekly share of a farm's harvest. Since the first two were initiated in the 1980s, the number of farms operating as CSAs ...
社区支持农业(Community Supported Agriculture, CSA)为消费者和农民带来了多重益处,让我们一同探讨其优势。首先,从经济角度看,CSA模式消除了中间环节,农民可以直接将新鲜蔬菜销售给消费者,降低了销售成本。这种直接交易使得消费者能够以低于市场价格购买到蔬菜,同时农民的收入也会增加,能更好地支持和...
在全球化进程中,农业和农民面临着严峻的挑战,包括传统农业文化流失、生态破坏和环境污染。城市居民开始反思农业的价值,寻求食物质量、健康和可持续性。在这个背景下,一种名为“社区支持农业”(Community Supported Agriculture, CSA)的理念逐渐兴起。CSA起源于20世纪60年代的西方,特别是在德国和瑞士。它...
...诉记者,农场倡导的是一种新型的种植模式CSA,是指社区支持农业(CommunitySupportedAgriculture)。nc.mofcom.gov.cn|基于3个网页 2. 社区支撑农业 ...iningAssiociation,ALBA)、“社区支撑农业”(CommunitySupportedAgriculture)、“根本的改变”(RootofChange)、“食物共有”(Foo…www.baywatch.cn|基于1 个网页...
Community Supported Agriculture farms, or CSAs, seek people who pay in advance for fresh vegetables and fruits. One farmer has now introduced his CSA program to a law firm in New York City. The busy lawyers there are loving the service. The Glebocki family has been in the fanning business...
CommunitySupportedAgriculture(CSA)isa termthathascometodescribeavarietyofdirect farmmarketingpracticeswithcertaincommon characteristics,including: •Emphasisoncommunityand/orlocalproduce •Shares/subscriptionsthataresoldpriortothe season’sbeginning •Weeklydeliveriestomembers/subscribers ...
community supported ag ORGANIC JOURNAL 41Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a concept that encourag encourages local, envir es local, envir es local, environmentally sustainable food pr onmentally sustainable food pr onmentally sustainable food production, and oduction, and that supports both...