common peroneal nerve 为坐骨神经的主要分支之一。在大腿下1/3从坐骨神经分出,在腓骨头前下方分为腓深神经和腓浅神经。腓浅神经支配腓骨长肌、腓骨短肌和小腿和足背外侧的皮肤。腓深神经支配伸肌、趾长伸肌、拇短伸肌和趾短伸肌等。临床上由于外伤等原因可致腓总神经损伤,致使患者不能作背向屈足、伸趾、伸拇...
peroneal nerve palsyneurolysisA common peroneal nerve palsy caused by a ganglion has been rarely reported. A Ganglion may arise from joint, tendon sheath or sheath of peripheral nerve. They may also be intraosseous and intraneural but relatively rare entities. Although intraneural ganglion is a ...
1.Review and Analysis of 136 Cases of Iatrogenic Common Peroneal Nerve Injury医源性腓总神经损伤136例回顾与分析 2.Eletroacupuncture Combined with TDP Radiation for Treatment of Common Personal Nerve Palsy电针结合TDP照射治疗腓总神经损伤 3.Experimental Study of Healing the Common Peroneal Nerve Injury ...
We report our experience in the treatment of common peroneal nerve (CPN) palsy following knee dislocations: a twelve-year surgical series of 26 patients pr... D Garozzo,S Ferraresi,P Buffatti - 《Journal of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Official Journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics & ...
A: Common peroneal nerve palsy associated with pelvic surgery for cancer: An analysis of 11 cases. Dis Colon Rectum - Herrera-Ornelas, RM, et al. - 1986HERRERA-ORNELAS L, TOLLS RM, PETRELLI NJ, et al. Common peroneal nerve palsy associated with pelvic surgery for cancer. Dis Col Rectum...
The nerve conduction study showed the peroneal nerve palsy at the fibula head level. Fourteen days after the injury, surgical treatment for internal fixation of fibula head fracture and external neurolysis of common peroneal nerve was performed. Common peroneal nerve showed continuity, with the ...
We suspected peroneal and tibial nerve palsy and performed a screening ultrasound, which is inexpensive and rapid. In the operative field, several cysts were discovered, originating at the site where the sciatic nerve splits into peroneal and tibial nerves. After successful surg...
Thirteen cases of idiopathic common peroneal nerve palsy were reviewed and the clinical presentation and course evaluated. Incomplete nerve palsy of unknown aetiology has a good prognosis and all the patients in this group made a full recovery without surgical intervention. Those presenting with a ...
Tendon transfers for peroneal nerve injuries in the multiple ligament injured knee. Although knee dislocations are relatively rare injuries; associated drop foot complication as a consequence of common peroneal nerve palsy (CPN) is substan... K Suleyman,Irgit,Gerard,... - 《Journal of Knee Surger...
Common peroneal nerve palsyFoot dropNerve graftTibialis posterior tendon transferThe authors report their experience in the treatment of common peroneal nerve (CPN) injuries using a one-stage procedure of nerve repair and tibialis posterior tendon transfer. A series of 45 patients with traumatic injury...