严格地讲,case law (也称为decisional law、adjudicative law、jurisprudence 或organic law) 包括法官解释制定法时所创制的新规则(new rules)和司法判决(judicial decisions) 两部分内容。而common law则多在与制定法(statute) 相对时可译为“判例法”,但其只包括司法判决(court decision) 部分而不包括法官解释制定...
英语翻译Case law,or common law,remains an important source of law because of the extreme difficulty in reducing all law to writing in advance of an issue being raised.将句子结构划分说明一下,
英语翻译Case law,or common law,remains an important source of law because of the extreme difficulty in reducing all law to writing in advance of an issue being raised.将句子结构划分说明一下, 答案 请教了一下法学硕士,感觉cherie010的语法结构最完善.但法律用语翻译不准确.判例法或普通法(说明:一般存...
网络司法系统;普通法或判例法 网络释义
understanding of the law will change with a certaincommon lawjurisdiction and somenewcaselaws, guidelines can, therefore, allow more [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 但是,由於相關法律的原意會跟隨普通法的 發展演變,大家對法律的理解會因應某一個普通法國家及某些新案例而轉變,所以,指引較條例或附屬法...
故可以说case law它是在common law基础上发展起来的,其内容比common law的含义更广。
"case law" always connotes judge-made law,while"common law" in contrast——depending on the meaning intended——describes either the judge-made law in common law subject matters or,more extensively,all judge-made law5个回答 “判例法”总是蕴含法官造法,而“普通法”的对比 - 根据本意 - 说明...
case law(判例法)更常用的一个名字是common law (普通法)。普通法体系诞生于英国,而英国的法律体系由古老的习惯/惯例、司法先例及成文法构成,在诺曼底征服后,英国的法律体系传播到了全英国和威尔士。common law最初得名是因为其适用于全英国和威尔士,与local law对应。
code(or civil)law and common (or case)law问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 代码(或民事)法律,共同(或案例)法律 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 代码(或民间)法和通用(或案例)法 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 编码(或民用)法律和共同的(或案件)法律 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 code(...
common law 1 of 2 noun : a body of law that is based on custom and general principles and embodied in case law and that serves as precedent or is applied to situations not covered by statute the common law of torts : as a : the body of law that was first developed in the...