In literature, recurring patterns are known as motifs. As you read, pay close attention to any motifs you recognize because these often communicate a work’s themes. In Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, we see a motif of biblical references. These communicate the novel’s theme of th...
The book/movieReady Player Oneis stuffed with pop motifs from the 1980s. The entire plot revolves around a virtual 1980s world, which contrasts with the main character’s bleak real-life. 41. Paradox Aparadoxseems to make two mutually contradictory things true at the same time. Example of ...
Dou D, Kale SD, Wang X, Chen Y, Wang Q, Jiang RH, Arredondo FD, Anderson RG, Thakur PB, McDowell JM, et al.: Conserved C-terminal motifs required for avirulence and suppression of cell death by Phytophthora sojae effector Avr1b. Plant Cell. 2008, 20 (4): 1118-1133. 10.1105/tpc....
What are the possible themes in the story "The Killer" by Ernest Hemingway? What is a common theme found in the novels: Frankenstein, The Great Gatsby and Macbeth? What themes are conveyed in the book Fahrenheit 451 (like thoughts, actions, symbols, motifs) and how do they ...
co-regulating the expression of degs interacting with differentially expressed immune genes the 5 kb upstream of 109 and 180 de genes involved in immune processes in sheep and goats, was extracted to identify the common motifs conserved across these genes. these motifs were then submitted in the ...
To further gain enriched motifs in single-cell resolution, chromVar analysis was conducted [43]. Consequently, to identify “positive TF regulators” in SF subpopulations, TF motif accessibility was correlated with integrated TF gene expression across cells, keeping all TFs with Pearson r2 > 0.5 ...
The gene networks that regulate the choice of cell fate in living organisms contain a set of ubiquitous design motifs. We discuss the role of one such motif, the double-negative feedback loop, in producing discrete and stable steady states during the development of mammalian cell lineages. ...
Chapter 1 Jerusalem: Navel of the Storyworld in Medieval Scandinavia Chapter 2 Re-Naming Jerusalem: A Note on Associative Etymology in the Vernacular North Chapter 3 Translatio Templi: A Conceptual Condition for Jerusalem References in Medieval Scandinavia Part I: Kings, Crusaders, and Jerusalem...
The most significantly associated variant at each locus was annotated for regulatory functions (enhancer histone modification signals, DNase I hypersensitivity, binding of transcription factors or effects on regulatory motifs), using HaploReg65and ENCODE data track in the UCSC genome browser. ...
Variation was witnessed in number and size of motifs, and structure of PvHAKs associated with different groups. Light and hormone responsive elements contributed 57 and 24% share, respectively, to cis regulatory elements. qRT-PCR based results revealed significant increase in expression of all 4 ...