in literature, the simplest unit of meaning in myths and tales, which cannot be further divided, for example, the motif of the abduction of the bride. A combination of several motifs constitutes the plot(fabula)or story(siuzhet). There are often similar motifs in the epics of different nati...
(of aPROTEIN) a specific combination ofSECONDARY STRUCTURESexhibiting a characteristic three-dimensional structure and often associated with a particular function. For example, the coiled-coil motif, comprising of two or more helices wound around each other. This is found in theGLYCOPROTEINofEBOLA VIRU...
You might say, this is all easier said than done! But while it's not exactly a piece of cake, it's far from impossible to write motifs in literature. Here are four ways to help you apply them in your novel or short story.
In the literature, SmxxxSm motifs are often suggested to be important in dimerization of TM helices in the absence of GxxxG motifs. Yet, such motifs are very abundant in membrane proteins (see Fig. 2a), such that a dimerization interface or a protein fold cannot be predicted based on ...
In Future GPX Cyber Formula, some of racing team's logos have these. For example, Team Sugo has Pegasus as their logo, Aoi has the Griffin as their logo and as for the team Albatross DDT... well, you can probably guess what they have as their logo. When Shinjyo uses his Peacock/...
Examples include motifs occurring in paralogs, motifs occurring in mosaic protein sequences, and structural motifs based on secondary structure or active site conservation. Therefore, biological interpretation of motif findings requires additional efforts—for example literature, structural, and phylogenetic ...
For example, the use of light and dark is meant to provide sensory contrast rather than an explanation of good versus evil. This imagery is most often referred to by comparing day to night. We see the importance of light and dark in the opening scene of the play. After a street brawl...
Motifs in Beowulf Beowulf is the oldest known written work of English literature. It was originally told as an oral tradition before eventually being written in Old English. The story is an epic poem, a literary structure with constructs that the tale must abide by, including the motifs of a...
We also found that the significant chromatin motifs are not motifs with high occurrence rate. For example, CACGTG has a low occurrence rate of 1.15% in the inaccessible chromatin groups and a low occurrence rate of 0.69% in the accessible chromatin groups (Additional file 2). ...
The novel was one of the reasons why Golding received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983. Widely read and studied in schools around the world today, Lord of the Flies is an allegorical indictment of the horrors of the Second World War, as well as a criticism of British colonialism and...