Even if you aren’t using the Common App, many schools require you to answer some version of the question “Who are you, and what do you value?” Having helped thousands of students answer this question, I thought it would help to share some of my favorite Common App essay examples. ...
Starting your essay over the summer Although it might seem tempting to relax the whole summer, much less effort will be required of you come fall if you take some time to ruminate upon and have experiences to write about during your vacation. Part of ...
Today I'd like to give you an overview of tackling the Common App essay. The first place to start developing your Common App essay is the list of the Common App Prompts from the website. Let’s begin by going through each prompt for the current application year. 今天我想给大家介绍一下...
Common App关于失败的文书怎样才能称得上完美? 每年,Common Application都会要求学生选择几个文书提示中的一个,来完成他们的大学文书。这篇文章将研究关注大家都会遇到但却下规避的主题:失败。撰写关于失败的文章可能很困难,但它也可以成为一篇优秀的大学文书。下面一起来学习如何撰写一篇成功的大学文书。我们从遇到的困难中...
在Common App里交上去的文字一篇比一篇厉害,情感充沛,文字优美,气势磅礴,whatever...尼玛,这基本就...
Common App Essay Examples Prompt #1 Prompt #2 Prompt #3 Prompt #4 Prompt #5 Prompt #6 Prompt #7 Is Your Common App Essay Strong Enough? When you begin writing your Common App essay, having an example to look at can help you understand how to effectively write your college essay so ...
Find more college application and essay advice in ourCollege Admissionsection. Like what you’re reading? Join the CollegeXpress community! Create a free account and we’ll notify you about new articles, scholarship deadlines, and more.
“activities” section. You also don’t have to prove that you somehow changed the world or did something heroic. Instead, the essay is a chance for you to show the admissions committee the “you” that your friends, classmates, teachers, and family know. Our advice for where to start ...
The Common App is a valuable application tool but there's a lot to it – find out how to use it, key deadlines, essay prompts and more in our guide here.
Common App新变化 2022-2023 1.新增50余所大学接受CA申请系统;2.性别选项一栏又有新调整;3.申请...