Common APP essay示例 Just before 5 pm on Sunday, October 13, 2013, I was sitting in a bar, holding on to a feeling of optimism that was fading fast. But wait—it’s not what you think. I didn’t turn to drink—I turned to the TV screen. The score was 27-23, and the Patriots...
译文:题目自拟,可以是之前写好的文章,或者任何你自创的选题。 Note:这个开放性题目提供了极大的灵活性,但也要求申请人谨慎选择。 COMMON Essay TIPS 1. 突出个人独特性:选择一个能够展示你独特背景、兴趣、或才能的题目。这样可以让招生官更深入地了...
一、Common Application 中五个Topic 第一个题目是“有些学生觉得自己所具有的某种背景、身份、兴趣或是才能很有意义,如果不提到这些东西,他们的申请材料就是不完整的。如果你也有这种情况,欢迎分享你的故事。”我们可以看出这个命题相对来说是比较广义的,everything you want to shared you can in your essay。 第...
Why is the Common App personal statement so important? The personal essay brings your application to life! AO想知道你对什么感兴趣,以及你在他们的校园里会成为什么样的人,主文书就是了解你的最好方式。 文书占据你录取决定的30%--这可是你可以控制...
Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you'vealready written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your owndesign. 解析:这是一道开放题,题目自选,可以是你之前写好的文章或者任何你自创的选题。这里需要注意的是,要确保你自选的题目不能与以上六个中的一个相同。
Related:5 Tips to Conquer the Common Application Essay Starting your essay over the summer Although it might seem tempting to relax the whole summer, much less effort will be required of you come fall if you take some time to ruminate upon and have ex...
So, you’re applying to college and are probably panicking about how to write the hardest part of your application: the Common Application essay. Don’t panic! We’re here to help. If you keep the following tips in mind, we’re confident that you’ll be well on your way to drafting ...
11、认他们收到了你的recommendationo如果使用common app递交:点击school forms,输入老师姓名、邮箱、职务,系统会发邮件invite你的老师, 你的老师可以在线递交或者选择mail back.页面请见下图:六、创造多个version很多同学一定在纳闷是否只能用一篇main essay,然后把它交到所有的学校。如果你 十分有白信,白c的那篇文章...
Personal essay 个人文书 Additional Information 附加信息 Courses & Grades课程和成绩 有部分学校要求self-report校内课程成绩,如果要申请这些学校,需在Courses & Grades部分填写9-12年级间课程成绩。切记,填写时一定要对照学校正式成绩单填写,不能有任何不符!
Secrets to Mastering Common App Essay Prompts By Allen Grove We've rarely seen an admissions essay that doesn't fit into one of the first sixCommon Application essay options. Those prompts already provide you with an incredible amount of latitude; you can write about your interests, an obstacle...