EQUIVALENCE(A(3),B(1)) 公用语句在无名公用区开辟了连续的五个存储单元,等价语句使A(3)和B(1)共用存储单元因而把B数组带入了无名公用区,使公用区向后扩大了一个存储单元。这种情况下公用区的存储分配如下图: A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) C B(1) B(2) B(3) B(4) 公用区可以用这种方式加长。但是...
EQUIVALENCE(A,B) 因为COMMON语句把变量A、B、C分配在公用区的相邻的三个存储单元中,而EQUIVALENCE语句却又把A、B、C分配在同一个存储单元中,这是矛盾的,因此禁止以上写法。 (8)公用区可以用EQUIVALENCE语句来扩大加长。例如: EIMENSION A(4),B(4) COMMON A,C EQUIVALENCE(A(3),B(1)) 公用语句在无名公...
(7)不要混淆 EQUIVALENC和 COMMOS句,EQUIVALENCE句是给同一程序单位中的不同变量分配同一个存储单元,而 COMMOB句则用于给不同程序单位的变量分配同一存储单元。因此不允许在同一程序单位中写:COMMON, AB, CEQUIVALENC(EA, B)因为COMMON句把变量A、B、C分配在公用区的相邻的三个存储单元中, 而EQUIVALENCE句却又...
中文: 形式语用学的生活世界理论消解了胡塞尔生活世界理论中的先验性,同时又拓宽了韦伯的行为合理化理论视域。英文: Auction theory: Winner's Curse given common values and Revenue Equivalence given independent private values.中文: 拍卖理论:有同等价值的赢家曲线以及在独立的私人价值下的收入等式。
【Reciprocal】 has for its distinctive implication the return in due measure by each of two sides of whatever is offered, given, or manifested by the other. Usually therefore it implies not only a quid pro quo but an equivalence in value, though not necessarily in kind, on each side (as...
因为COMMON句把变量A、B、C分配在公用区的相邻的三个存储单元中, 而EQUIVALENCE句却又把A、B、C分配在同一个存储单元中,这是矛盾的,因 此禁止以上写法。 (8)公用区可以用EQUIVALENCE句来扩大加长。例如: EIMENSION A(4),B(4) COMMON A,C EQUIVALENCE(A(3),B(1)) 公用语句在无名公用区开辟了连续的五...
EQUIVALENCE ( A, B)Not allowed Example 3: AnEQUIVALENCEstatement can extend a common block on the right-hand side: DIMENSION A(5) COMMON /X/ B EQUIVALENCE ( B, A) Example 4: AnEQUIVALENCEstatement must not cause a common block to be extended on the left-hand side: ...
Define Common lawyer. Common lawyer synonyms, Common lawyer pronunciation, Common lawyer translation, English dictionary definition of Common lawyer. one versed in common law. - Wharton. See also: Common Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published
(recognizing multiplication by whole numbers greater than 1 as a familiar case); explaining why multiplying a given number by a fraction less than 1 results in a product smaller than the given number; and relating the principle of fraction equivalence a/b = (n×a)/(n×b) to the effect ...
e.g. a theory revision operator, we can recover a notion of certainty — this is the well known equivalence of AGM-style theory revision with epistemic entrenchment. (We use “AGM” as abbreviation for the article[AGM85], its authors Alchourron, Gärdenfors, and Makinson, and their app...