Translation of a pre-modern Amharic commentary on the Nicene Creed in English. The text of a Commentary on the Nicene Creed ( lot haymanot ) which forms the subject of this paper appears at the end of a...
AT A GLANCE ▶︎ Intermediate ▶︎ Nicene Creed ▶︎ Look Inside Series Editor: Thomas C. Oden The five-volume Ancient Christian Doctrine (ACD) series is a follow-up to the acclaimed Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, providing patristic commentary on the Nicen Creed. Translatin...
. If you have never read the Boy Scout Creed or the language of the creed is bit fuzzy…it would be well worth a few moments of your time. I think most pastors would be very pleased to have a congregation full of folks who “were good scouts”. Check out the Nicene Creed too!
This matter forms an essential part of the larger question as to the distinction which is made between the "historical Jesus" and "the Christ of the Creeds." Thus Pfieiderer: "Primitive Christianity has transferred the Jesus of history into the Christ of faith . . . has identified the 's...
Based on the conviction of the Bible and Christ alone. Throughout the day, at special selected hours, set Him apart from the world as you pray the Psalms and words of worship and adoration, including ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ and ‘The Nicene Creed’ and ‘The Jesus Prayer’ and ‘The ...
The Commentary of Theodore of Mopsuestia on the Nicene Creed is an important document of an instrumental age in the development of Christianity. Theodore (c. 350-428) was clearly the most important biblical scholar of his age. While his theology eventually led to his loss of favor among ...