方法一: PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH} export PATH 方法二: exec /bin/zsh 方法三: exec /usr/bin/zsh
command-not-found plugin This plugin uses the command-not-found package for zsh to provide suggested packages to be installed if a command cannot be found.To use it, add command-not-found to the plugins array of your zshrc file:plugins=(... command-not-found)...
1.重启终端配置就失效 这个问题可能是由于安装了ohmyzsh导致的, 终端启动后就不会执行~/.bash_profile了取而代之的是~/.zshrc, 所以新打开的终端仍然会找不到命令 解决方案是在~/.zshrc中添加一行命令(作用是在开启终端的时候执行~/.bash_profile) open-a xcode ~/.zshrc 添加命令 source ~/.bash_profile ...
Mac 使用maven命令报错zsh: command not found zsh 下找不到 mvn 命令 如果已经配置了maven,但是每次在终端执行 mvn 命令的时候,都必须要执行下 source ~/.bash_profile 才能生效。这是因为当 Mac 上安装了 zsh 后,.bash_profile 文件的配置无法生效。解决方案是: vi ~/.zshrc 1. 在文件的末尾添加下面的命...
zsh cask plugin: cask command not found In the plugin page is the following message: Make sure you have the cask directory in your $PATH before loading Oh My Zsh, otherwise you'll get the "command not found" error. But I don't know what does it mean. Member mcornella commented on...
将插件添加到配置中(~/.zshrc) 代码语言:javascript 复制 plugins=(pluginA pluginB...zsh-autosuggestions) 重新打开终端即可 注意,安装oh-my-zsh配置可能会被覆盖,可能需要重新把source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh命令放入~/.zshrc中
But the problem is when I run mvn -version, it returnszsh: command not found: mvnand when I click on maven tab on the right side vertical bar to run maven life cycle commands, the tab simply vanishes from the IDE until I restart the IDE. I configured JDK 1.8 path. What is going ...
OhMyZSH installation results in ZSH npm/node/nvm command not being detected, Guide to Setting Up Node.js in ZSH Shell, Zsh: The Absence of Recognized Commands, Unable to Execute zsh Commands: Error Message 'Command not found'
yum install -y yum-plugin-priorities (2)修改YUM源优先级配置文件,设置为Enabled,开启优先级插件,1为开启,0为禁止; vim /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf enabled = 1 (3)vim 修改/etc/yum.repos./xx.repo文件,在base段中加入如下指令:(优先级为1表示优先被查找,越大其反而被后续查找) ...
无需装载mok_jk文件 Zabbix告警信息-Lykchat信息发送系统 使用Docker 建立 Mysql 集群 利用Docker搭建Gitlab代码仓库 Linux下如何查看系统启动时间和运行时间 CentOS6.8设置开机直接进入命令行模式 Atlas 安装和配置 centos安装zsh 实现Zabbix跨域监控 net use与shutdown配合使用重启远程服务器 免费实现服务器登录手机短信通知...