针对你遇到的 zsh: command not found: free 错误,我们可以从以下几个方面来分析和解决: 确认用户使用的操作系统环境: free 命令通常用于类 Unix 系统(如 Linux 和 macOS)来显示系统的空闲、使用中和交换内存的状态。 如果你使用的是 Windows 系统,那么 free 命令默认是不可用的。 确认free 命令是否适用于该环...
# Arch 系列可以从 AUR 中下载 miniconda3 软件包$ yay -S miniconda3# 默认会将 conda 加入 bash 的环境变量中,zsh 见下面的 FAQ$ conda -V conda 4.10.3## 添加国内 mirror$ conda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/ $ conda config --add channels h...
zsh: command not found: vcpkg#28283 I-am-Mohithopened this issueDec 11, 2022· 3 comments Copy link I-am-MohithcommentedDec 11, 2022 I am trying to install raylib pkg in my folder but it show zsh: command not found: vcpkg vcpkg install raylib zsh: command not found: vcpkg ...
you will face thezsh: command not found: pip error. In today's article, we will discusshow to fix zsh: command not found: pipin case you have this error on yourmacOS base systemor Linux system.
Description Please describe the issue you are facing using the CLI. i have used this command -- npm install --location=global appcenter-cli i am using MAC M1 chip and nvm along with it and having this issue of "zsh: command not found: ap...
zsh 5.0.5 Last change: January 5, 2014 20 User Commands ZSHCOMPWID(1) Note that the use of L in the first part means that it matches only when at the beginning of both the command line string and the trial completion. I.e., the string `_NO_f' would not be completed to `_NO_...
antigen bundle command-not-found # Syntax highlighting bundle.antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting # Load the theme.antigen theme robbyrussell # Tell Antigen that you're done.antigen apply 推荐几个挺牛逼的插件,基本都是在 GitHub 的 zsh-users 项目中能够找到的,也能够直接被 antigen 安装...
apple.com/kb/HT208050. 意思就是让你切换到zsh,切换后大致也没差别。 如果想切换回来 ...
.zshrc:3: command not found: ^M The temporary solution to that is changing your core.autocrlf git config setting to use input, given that you are on OSX. See#4402 (comment). cd$ZSHgit config core.autocrlf input gitrm--cached -r . ...
https://automationd.com/zsh-error-eval-1-command-not-found-python-argcomplete/AutomationD added Gitalk 2024-04-30T17:28:48Z labels Aug 8, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment ...