Enter value for trace_file_name: ---Oracle Database Health Check END /home/oracle -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 242088 Jul 28 16:58 ./dbhc.lixora.2014-07-28/awr.lixora.html -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 280758 Jul 28 16:58 ./dbhc.lixora.2014-07-28/db_health_check_lixora...
Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand宣言// ADO.NET 2.0: C# public sealed class OracleCommand : DbCommand, ICloneable スレッド安全性パブリック静的メソッドはスレッドセーフですが、インスタンス・メソッドではスレッド安全性は保証されません。
OracleParameterバインドでは、アプリケーションは、BINARY_FLOATおよびBINARY_DOUBLEデータ型に対して列挙OracleDbType.BinaryFloatおよびOracleDbType.BinaryDoubleを使用する必要があります。 関連項目: 「GetDouble」 「GetFloat」 OracleDbTypeの列挙型 OracleDbTypeの列挙値は、OracleParameterオブジェク...
DbCommandBuilder OracleCommandBuilder 属性 ObsoleteAttribute 示例以下示例使用 OracleCommand以及OracleDataAdapter 和OracleConnection从数据库中选择行。 该示例传递了初始化DataSet的、连接字符串、SQL SELECT 语句的查询字符串,以及作为数据库表名称的字符串。 然后,该示例创建一个 OracleCommandBuilder。C#...
This command is used in the MySQL Cluster Manager client to obtain configuration attribute values from a MySQL NDB Cluster. (SeeSection 5.5, “MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands”, for a definition of the term“attribute”as it applies in the MySQL Cluster Manager.) The output includes...
(For a refresher on Linux commands, you can check out my five-part series on advanced Linux commands.) CellCLI - Let’s move on the next stack in the software: the Exadata Storage Server. To manage this, Oracle provides a command line tool: CellCLI (Cell Command Line Interpreter). All ...
-f, a modifier to thestatcommand, shows the information on the filesystem instead of the file: # stat -f oracle File: "oracle" ID: 0 Namelen: 255 Type: ext2/ext3 Blocks: Total: 24033242 Free: 15419301 Available: 14198462 Size: 4096 ...
For example:dbcli.bat "connect=tiger/scott@orcl" DBCLI supports multiple database platforms(oracle,mysql,db2,etc), default isOracle. To permanently change the preferred platform other thanOracle, runset -p platform <platform>after launching the console. For example,set -p platform db2 ...
The command tunes the cluster by issuing a number of set commands to adjust different parameters, and then performs a rolling restart for the cluster. Use the --sequential-restart option to make the rolling restart a sequential one. When the --dryrun option is used, the command does not ...
I have chosen to set the audit_trail parameter to 'DB' in this example, because this will record activity in the SYS.AUD$ table, inside the database. This allows us to use simple SQL queries, and Oracle-provided views to quickly and easily aggregate the information we are lo...