io size Size of the I/O configured by the user. grain size Grain size. ld id LD ID. bgrStatus Background status. bgrTaskNum Number of background tasks. enable compress Whether to enable compression. enable dedup Whether to enable deduplication. IO Status I/O status. Rb Protect Tp Rollba...
This command is used in the MySQL Cluster Manager client to obtain configuration attribute values from a MySQL NDB Cluster. (SeeSection 5.5, “MySQL Cluster Manager Configuration Commands”, for a definition of the term“attribute”as it applies in the MySQL Cluster Manager.) The output includes ...
To obtain the value, run the "show lun general" command. Views Diagnostic view Usage Guidelines None Example Query LUN information. admin:/diagnose>lun showdb 0 LUN DB Infomation: LUN ID : 0 LUN DB Status : 1 User LUN Size (Sectors) : 2097152 Volume ID : 64 Disk Pool ID : 0 LUN...
Setup allows the size up to 1024.Default value: 64. Allowed range: Min = 0, Max = 1024 SQL Server Database Engine /SQLUSERDBDIROptional Specifies the directory for the data files for user databases.Default value: <InstallSQLDataDir>\<SQLInstanceID>\MSSQL\Data SQL Server Database...
The GLOBAL_DBNAME attribute must be set to db_unique_name_DGMGRL.db_domain. See Prerequisites for additional information. The connect identifier used while creating the configuration or adding a database, must be resolvable from any of the hosts in the configuration. You must have SYSDG or ...
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Replication happens asynchronously. We can check on its progress by usingcatwith the name of the target database: >> cat databaseb {"db_name":"crimea","doc_count":18500,"doc_del_count":0,"update_seq":18500,"purge_seq":0,"compact_running":false,"disk_size":12021880,"data_size":118...
<id> The ID of the comment to check. EXAMPLES # Check whether comment exists. $ wp comment exists 1337 Success: Comment with ID 1337 exists. wp comment generate Generates some number of new dummy comments. wp comment generate [--count=<number>] [--post_id=<post-id>] [--format=<...
The bin size is from the “fragment size” column of the show memory detail command output. caller-address Display information related to the memory caller-address configuration. detail (Optional) Displays a detailed view of free and allocated system memory. region Displ...