你可以通过在终端中输入showmount --version或showmount来检查该命令是否已经安装。如果系统返回“command not found”或类似的错误,那么你需要进行安装。 确定操作系统 根据你的操作系统,安装showmount命令所需的软件包会有所不同。showmount命令通常与NFS(Network File System)相关,因此你需要安装NFS相关的软件包。 对于...
showmount: commande introuvable showmount: command not found showmount: käsku ei ole showmount: không tìm thấy lệnh showmount: komanda nerasta showmount: Kommando nicht gefunden. showmount: kommandot finns inte showmount: komut yok showmount: nie znaleziono polecenia showmount: níor aimsí...
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Showmount The showmount command is used to display information about NFS mounted file systems. The showmount command is available in Windows 7 and Windows Vista. The showmount command is not available by default in Windows Vista or Windows 7 but can be enabled by turning on the Services for NFS...
installed on my Windows 2012 Standard server. I am attempting to connect to a mount on HP-UX. When I use the 'mount' command I get the standard error "Network Error - 53". While troubleshooting this error I found that when I run the command 'showmount -e' I get the ...
Command Promptprovides access to over 280commands. These commands are used to do certain tasks from acommand-line interpreterinstead of the graphical Windows interface we use most of the time. For example, Command Prompt commands let you copy data to a different folder, format an entire disk, ...
Client for NFS showmount command port mapper failure CNAME to DFS name space CoInitializeSecurity 0x80010119 Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshaled or un-marshaled Combining storage from multiple servers into one, large volume? Command line or Powershell cmdlet to replace owne...
$ showmount -e system-name export list for system-name: /cdrom/sol_8_sparc (everyone) As superuser, mount the CD. # mount -F nfs -o ro system-name:/cdrom/cd-name local-mount-point system-name The name of the system whose CD you will mount. cd-name The name of the CD...
The showmount command is not available in Windows 11, 10, or 8 because Service for UNIX (SFU) was discontinued. Shutdown The shutdown command can be used to shut down, restart, or log off the current system or a remote computer. The shutdown command is available in Windows 11, Windows...
Command Promptprovides access to over 280commands. These commands are used to do certain tasks from acommand-line interpreterinstead of the graphical Windows interface we use most of the time. For example, Command Prompt commands let you copy data to a different folder, format an entire disk, ...