1. To get the list of available options and usage of the command: # showmount -h # showmount --help 2. To list the remote mounts in the format hostname:directory, where hostname is the name of the client and directory is the root of the filesystem that has been mounted: # showmount...
showmount命令查询mountd守护进程,以显示NFS服务器加载的信息。 语法 代码语言:javascript 复制 showmount[选项][参数] 选项 -d:仅显示已被NFS客户端加载的目录; -e:显示NFS服务器上所有的共享目录。 参数 NFS服务器:指定NFS服务器的IP地址或主机名。 umount 用于卸载已经加载的文件系统。 补充说明 umount命令用于卸...
Learn Linux/Unix in-depth with real-world projects through our Linux/Unix certification course. Enroll and become a certified expert to boost your career.DESCRIPTIONshowmount queries the mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of the NFS server on that machine. With no opti...
Linux clients discovers NFS shares, though they are not mentioned in /etc/exports list of NFS server. Remote vulnerability scanning tool detects this as vulnerability on NFS server. Resolution NFS server has to explicitly export the shares so that the clients can mount and access it. The NFS s...
A showmount command returns this error . We are able to successfully mount NFS shares from this filer though. This is on a system running RHEL6 Raw $ showmount -e <NFS Server> clnt_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - Timed out $ showmount -e <NFS Server> clnt_create: RPC: Port mapper...
The showmount -a command, run on a properly functioning NFS server, does not show any of the active mounts. This used to work on Unix systems like Solaris and HP-UX. Am I missing something? showmount -a expecting to see which clients were mounting from the server linux nfs Share Improve...
5. run the same command for udp. "rpcinfo -T udp infbc009 100005". This is just a check. Some firewalls are misconfigured to drop UDP but allow TCP, and depending on the NFS-client OS and version the "showmount -e" may give up after a first attempt with UDP, or vice versa....
Once the updated libtirpc is in place, create a file with the following command: touch /etc/netconfig-try-2-first When the new libtirpc sees this file present, it will try rpc v2 first, instead of v4. Cause The failure is due to Network Address Translation methods which need to be enh...
Once the updated libtirpc is in place, create a file with the following command: touch /etc/netconfig-try-2-first When the new libtirpc sees this file present, it will try rpc v2 first, instead of v4. Cause The failure is due to Network Address Translation methods which need to be enh...
Issue When executing showmount command, it failed with the following error. Raw # showmount clnt_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - Unable to send: errno 101 (Network is Unreachnable) Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Subscriber exclusive content ...