cat SRR_Acc_List.txt | xargs -I{} fasterq-dump {} gzip *.fastq Note that fasterq-dump will generate large cache files in ~/ncbi/public/sra. If this directory does not have sufficient storage create a symbolic link to another directory that does, for example /scratch: mv ~/ncbi/public...
*}" #Construct name of other file file2="${file/R1_001.fastq.gz/R2_001.fastq.gz}" fnx2=$(basename -- "$file2") fn2="${fnx2%.*}" echo "Processing file '$fnx' and '$fnx2'" doneAnother option is to use parallel.Copy the files returned by find, naming the copies after a...
🔍 Ubuntu’s command-not-found equivalent for Homebrew on macOS - Update nauty · Homebrew/homebrew-command-not-found@9908f85
🔍 Ubuntu’s command-not-found equivalent for Homebrew on macOS - homebrew-command-not-found/executables.txt at master · Homebrew/homebrew-command-not-found
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cat SRR_Acc_List.txt | xargs -I{} fasterq-dump {} gzip *.fastq Note that fasterq-dump will generate large cache files in ~/ncbi/public/sra. If this directory does not have sufficient storage create a symbolic link to another directory that does, for example /scratch: mv ~/ncbi/public...