A command economy is one in which the coordination of economic activity, essential to the viability and functioning of a complex social economy, is undertaken through administrative means — commands, directives, targets and regulations — rather than by a market mechanism. A complex social economy ...
In a command economy, central planners should, at least initially, have a grasp on the basic life-or-death needs of the population in terms of food, clothing, and shelter. But without the forces of supply and demand to guide them, they have no rational method to align the production and...
Define an agrarian economy. Explain the difference between socialism and a pure command economy. Define managerial economics as used in economics. What are the positive and negative aspects of a command economy? Relating to economics, define economic system. ...
What is the meaning of interdiction? What type of government has no control or power? What is a mixed economic system? In a traditional economy, what are the economic decisions based largely on? What does too much money in the economy lead to?
command economy───指令性经济;中央管制经济 cash economies───现金经济 mixed economies───混合经济 token economies───代币制 black economies───黑市经营;非法经济 command lines───[计]命令行 command modules───指挥舱;驾驶舱 commanderies───n.骑士团管理地;会所 ...
Meaning and difference between state and the economy is very clear. State of a society is the system that has power to control and enforce laws and regulations on different institutions of society, whereas, economy of the society deals with labor, capital, natural resources and the production, ...
What do you mean there are no sexy women in your house? I would duck if I were you. They may not cook, clean, do your laundry, or walk the dog but Alexa and Siri can offer a wide selection of ideas in addition to entertaining you. Sort of. ...
The primary difference between market economy and command economy is that in a market economy, economic activities are not planned. As against this, in a command economy government has full control over the economic activities.
economicsinstitutional constraintscultureeconomic practicesAlthough much has been published on China's economic transition, less research has focused on how Chinese culture and the Communist political system have interacted to shape the new Chinese economy. In this paper, we argue that China's post-...
command economy What is the difference between a command economy and mixed economy? What are the benefits of applying these concepts? Name one country that has a command economy. What makes it a command economy? Differentiate between economic system and market economy as used in economics. ...