Define command economy. command economy synonyms, command economy pronunciation, command economy translation, English dictionary definition of command economy. n. An economy that is planned and controlled by a central administration, as in the former Sov
Is a Command Economy Capitalist or Communist? A command economy is a major feature of communist systems and the opposite of acapitalistsociety (where production and price levels are determined bymarket forceslikesupply and demand). In a command economy, the central government planning office determin...
ACommand Economyis an economy that the government controls. The government controls the supply of goods and services. The state, rather than market forces, controls their prices. A command economy contrasts with a free market economy. In a free market economy, market forces determine prices.‘Mar...
The meaning of COMMAND ECONOMY is an economic system in which activity is controlled by a central authority and the means of production are publicly owned.
There, the command economy of a sprawling Communist state heaved itself into military competitiveness with the United States. From New York Times Much of that dates to the Soviet era, transporting gas from vast energy fields in Russia westward, when Moscow sought badly needed funds for its falter...
Discover the command economy, its definition and how it works. Explore a list of command economy examples, their defining characteristics and facts...
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A command economy is a system in which a central governmental authority dictates the levels of production that are permitted.
There ismassivesupportfor ashiftfrom thecommandeconomyto a more market-basedsystem.(Definition ofcommand economyfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesofcommand economy command economy The government could not sustain an indefinite expansion without coming to grips...
Command economy definition, pros and cons. Karl Marx's definition and examples of countries that still use a command economy model.