Watch the moon hide the 'Seven Sisters' of the Pleiades star cluster tonightThe moon will pass in front of the Pleiades star cluster during an occultation on Jan. 9, 2025. Here's how to see it.Space Simply The Best Ribbon Mixers Upgrade your mixing process with PerMix Ribbon Mixers. Engi...
28 Night sky tonight! Aurora Forecast Next Full Moon Best Telescopes Space Calendar Best Binoculars Lego Star Wars deals Best Star Projectors Best Drones Solar System Planets The Universe Solar System Comets Comet Pan-STARRS or PANSTARRS: What's In a Celestial Name? News By Geoff Gaherty ...
On 03-Jan-2008, "Tonight I observed using the 10 x 50 binoculars and the telescope. I was able to locate and observe comet 17P/Holmes in Perseus as it is approaching Algol. It is about as bright as M31 (mv +3.4) to the naked eye and using the telescope with 40-mm eyepiece for ...
Life has had plenty of opportunities to spread throughout the Milky Way galaxy over the eons — and our own Earth could be one of the key dispersal points.