A warning, a trespass, a field, a comet- this is outside stuff that attends the inner. There is no reclaiming, here, of an old self, but rather a reclaiming of how one understands reinvention. To speak at its speaker, may we all ‘start to love what we know’, perhaps in stories...
See the moon cozy up to a fading Mars tonight (March 8) Latest Is there life out there? The existence of other technological species is highly likely See more latest 1 Comment Comment from the forums FaseehSheikh ALERT: A new comet (a Kreutz Sungrazer) has been discovered. It curren...
and elsewhere, audience that allows the reader to breathe above brackets and parentheticals as the marginalia of void and abyss. A warning, a trespass, a field, a comet- this is outside stuff that attends the inner. There is no reclaiming, here, of an old self, but rather a reclaiming...
Comet Blue - Tonight Is Ours
"There might only be a handful, if that, of people who come into your world and truly enrich your life," Frampton wrote in a tribute to Regan on Twitter. "I have lost one of my closest buddies. He certainly enriched my life because of the person and the great player he was. John ...
there is a sense of peace inside from looking down at this moment from observing the earth you feel safe free and at ease in this moment and the closest object to earth is the moon which can be seen glowing with a white and yellow ambience you decide to take a closer look and you ...
«oh no those crazy gays making gay content with a STRAIGHT PONY 24/7 they're clearly pushing the agenda and trying to lure us into thinking that there's more gays then hets THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE i'm not letting that BE» Pearlfish The SeaWing·12/29/2015 ...
store leans rock, but if you take the time to look through what they have I think you'll find something you like. They also seem very plugged into the Kansas City scene, so if you're looking for local KC stuff, there's a good chance they have it or can tell you where to get ...
There's not a lot to do in Ryugu World except marvel at the space, but that's kind of the point. This isn't a video game. It's a tool. Particularly in space and planetary science, the appeal is obvious: Using data and real-world observations, we can visit places we will never ...
Tonight Not Tomorrow Talk Not Tweet Turtle Neck Temperature Takeaways Need Thought TikTok Needs Timing Two Nights Together The Ninth Tooth Taste Not Texture Twins Not Triplets They're Not There Toenails Need Trimming The New Timetable The Now Taoiseach ...