OFF TO THE RACES Dems' come-to-Jesus momentSwallowing a smaller reconciliation package than the proposed $3.5 trillion would be a bitter pill for Democrats to swallow. But the alternative may be nothing. And Biden can’t afford that.
Quick Tips on verifying AI-Generated images Kunchakko Boban’s “Officer On Duty” to release in theaters tomorrow Federal Bank launches prospera NRE Savings Account for NRIs in Dubai FACT CHECK -The science behind height: Why Shah Rukh Khan, Sachin Tendulkar, and other celebs have taller sons...
to to go out into the world bearing witness and sharing the good news about Jesus. So we need to do that on Twitter, indeed just as some have vocations away from the world, some might have vocations IN to the world. We need to embody the light, show different patterns of life, ...
Absolutely. It’s called fasting. Prayer, fasting, and giving to the poor are the pinnacle ofKingdom of Godliving, according to Jesus in theSermon on the Mount. Without these things, we are not living as a follower of Christ as he laid it out. A Tech Fast should be part of your sp...
Once Biden got into the White House, it was probably inevitable that this sort of thing was going to happen. They hate the fact that the crypto industry has thrived outside of their tightly controlled system, and so now they intend to bring it fully under...
Jesus is the Christ, the Holy Messiah who soon will come so repent and get ready! Let Jesus Christ heal you and save you! The Jesus Christ Papers. CLICK THE RED BUTTON TO TRANSLATE TO ANOTHER LANGUAGE. Menu and widgets Search for: Recent Posts The Most Interesting Church in the World...
In December 2020, Abildness also led what’s called a Jericho March around the state capitol in Harrisburg, protesting Joe Biden’s 2020 victory. Through a bullhorn, she promised the many marchers that God had announced He would intervene decisively when they finished, to overturn the outcome...
Politicians will have to answer to patients not middlemen and bureaucrats. Democrats, led by Presidential candidate former Vice-President Joe Biden and Vice-Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris, want to preserve the status quo and build more of the same on top of the collapsing foundation. ...
Christianity can’t agree if it’s free will or predestination, so your claim is false that it only teaches free will. Your bible doesn’t even do that with both jesus and paul shown as stating that this god has already chosen who it will allow to accept it and then it damns the res...
That’s a heck of a platform to run on, Donny boy.All Biden and Bernie have to say is, “Bring the troops back home!” and you’re a one term prez.Then we’ll come on back to a war and we’ll all get in it. “Why don’t you come on back to the war, that’s right, ...