President Joe Bidensaid he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the two of them were headed for a "come to Jesus" meeting over the issue of getting humanitarian aid into Gaza, according to a video clip posted on Friday. President Biden: "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat...
Sampat Shivangi Foundation has come to be known for its belief and tireless efforts that every individual deserves an opportunity to thrive, and is a beacon of hope, fostering resilience and building a more inclusive and harmonious world for all. At the heart of societal transformation, the Dr....
“The defense of Israel is still critical. So there’s no red line [at which] I’m going to cut off all weapons so they don’t have the Iron Dome to protect them.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not ultimately heed Biden’s warning, at first launching a ...
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen.” FYI: exactly...
BIDEN: I talked to them. I convinced him to open the gate. PAT: Of Mexico. BIDEN: Open the gate on the Israeli side -- PAT: Wait. Okay. We're opening gates with CC in Mexico, and then we were opening gates with Netanyahu in Israel? I'm sorry. ...
As I like to say, we live in unsubtle times. The history of heads of state holding the power of pardon is ancient. The most famous example in Western culture is of course Pontius Pilate—as Augustus Caesar’s representative—freeing Barabbas while condemning Jesus (notably, after getting ...
America’s role is simple: Help and obey Israel in its genocidal activities. And American politicians are more than willing to do this. Look at Congress rapturously applauding Netanyahu. Look at President Joe Biden describing himself as a Zionist. Look at all the money U.S. politicians willing...
s trouble, with a focus on the events of the great Tribulation. Jesus says in Hebrews“Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.”, and this is the sum and substance that make up the writings of these...
So no, I do not stand with the Palestinians, I do not support Gaza, I stand with the Jews and Israel from right now all the way to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. Where do you stand? WE HAVE A FANTASTIC SELECTION OF EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SHARE THE GOSPEL IN THE STREETS AND ...
During a private comment Biden made on Thursday, which was caught by microphone, he said, that he needs a“come to Jesus meeting” with Netanyahu on the issue of humanitarian aid for Gaza. When pressed by MSNBC as to what he meant by that comment, Biden said, it was a euphemism for ...