trache/o trachea, windpipe tracheotomy thorac/o chest thoracalgia Suffixes Commonly Used in This System Suffixes Meaning Example -capnia carbon dioxide hypercapnia -ectasis stretching out, dilatation, bronchiectasis expansion -emia blood condition hypoxemia -oxia oxygen anoxia -pnea breathing dyspnea Chapter...
cavitypansinusitis spir/obreathingspirometer tonsill/otonsilstonsillectomytrache/otrachea,windpipetracheotomy thorac/ochestthoracalgia SuffixesCommonlyUsedinThisSystem SuffixesMeaningExample -capniacarbondioxidehypercapnia -ectasisstretchingout,dilatation,bronchiectasis expansion -emiabloodconditionhypoxemia -oxiaoxygen...
31、al tonsilspleur/o pleura pleurocentesispneum/o air, lung pneumothoraxpneumon/opulmon/o lung pulmonologyrhin/o nose rhinorrhagiasinus/o sinus, cavity pansinusitisspir/o breathing spirometertonsill/o tonsils tonsillectomytrache/o trachea, windpipe tracheotomythorac/o chest thoracalgiaSuffixes Commonly...
(superior to the bifurcation of trachea), inferior (inferior to the bifurcation of trachea), and random (without predilection for superior or inferior); (d) predominantly anterior (anterior to the horizontal line across the axillary midline), posterior (posterior to the horizontal line across the ...
The thyroid gland is a bilobed organ in front of the trachea, between the suprasternal notch and the cricoid cartilage. Secretion of thyroxine (T4) occurs in the thyroid gland as a reaction to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the pituitary gland. Deiodinase enzymes transform the ...
trache/o trachea, windpipe tracheotomy thorac/o chest thoracalgia Suffixes Commonly Used in This System Suffixes Meaning Example -capnia carbon dioxide hypercapnia -ectasis stretching out, dilatation, bronchiectasis expansion -emia blood condition hypoxemia -oxia oxygen anoxia -pnea breathing dyspnea Chapter...
trache/o trachea, windpipe tracheotomy thorac/o chest thoracalgia Suffixes Commonly Used in This System Suffixes Meaning Example -capnia carbon dioxide hypercapnia -ectasis stretching out, dilatation, bronchiectasis expansion -emia blood condition hypoxemia -oxia oxygen anoxia -pnea breathing dyspnea Chapter...
trache/o trachea, windpipe tracheotomy thorac/o chest thoracalgia Suffixes Commonly Used in This System Suffixes Meaning Example -capnia carbon dioxide hypercapnia -ectasis stretching out, dilatation, bronchiectasis expansion -emia blood condition hypoxemia -oxia oxygen anoxia -pnea breathing dyspnea Chapter...
cavitypansinusitis spir/obreathingspirometer tonsill/otonsilstonsillectomytrache/otrachea,windpipetracheotomy thorac/ochestthoracalgia SuffixesCommonlyUsedinThisSystem SuffixesMeaningExample -capniacarbondioxidehypercapnia -ectasisstretchingout,dilatation,bronchiectasis expansion -emiabloodconditionhypoxemia -oxiaoxygen...
Epithelial organs consist of multiple types of epithelial tissue, such as alveoli and trachea in the lung, urinary tubules and collecting ducts in the kidney, acini and pancreatic ducts in the pancreas, and bile canaliculi (BC) and bile ducts (BDs) in the liver. The structures connecting two...