The RS buffer is simply called the 'reproduction buffer' in traditional DEB terminology, however we have added 'supply buffer' to the term because we view this compartment more generally as an energy storage compartment, comparable to the traditional 'reserve'. Our interpretation of the RS buffer...
DEB theory is well established in theoretical biology as an approach to describe simple rules for metabolic organization. DEB has been used extensively to describe and predict life histories under different natural scenarios9,10and under toxicant stress1,5,11. The generic rules of DEB apply to ene...
where each terminology in turn explicitly stipulates B is the backshift operator; 𝛩0Θ0 is a constant and 𝜀𝑡εt is the white noise. 𝜙𝑝(𝐵)ϕpB is the nonseasonal AR operator; 𝜃𝑞(𝐵)θqB is the nonseasonal MA operator; 𝛷𝑃(𝐵𝑠)ΦPBs is the seasonal AR...