The Combine Gunship, often referred to as Gunship, is an autonomous and large Combine Synth ground-assault aircraft armed with both a heavy pulse cannon and a ventral warp cannon. It is a common adversary in Half-Life 2 and its episodes. The Gunship is a
【以下来自《Half Life Wiki》与《Combine Wiki》中执政官部分的综合翻译与个人补充】———在游戏制作的早期阶段,布林并不被称为“管理员”,而是被称为“执政官”,他是一个稍微不同的角色,更像是小说《1984》中的老带哥。他第一次出现是在游戏开幕时火车的海报上,海报上写着【执政官说...“放松”】或是...
【以上来自《Half Life Wiki》与《Combine Wiki》中执政官部分的个人综合翻译与相关补充】 执政官设定原画。其拘谨的人物形象颇有一番压迫力 正如《Combine Wiki》中所形容的那样,执政官有着【一张猫头鹰般严肃的脸】,而这张执政官的设定原画所传达给我们的直观印象便是,这大概是一个含蓄内敛,不苟言笑的铁*腕*...
正如《Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar》中所看到的,早期的炮艇概念相当机械化,而最终版本则描绘了一种更加模糊、合成的外观。在早期的游戏测试中,Valve发现炮艇会意外地认为向它发射的火箭是更有趣的敌人,并试图将它们击落。这个游戏设定很好,RPG和炮艇的战斗被改编成了猫捉老鼠的游戏。此外,诺瓦矿场最初是以一个...
npc_combine_s is a npc available in Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. They are the grunts of the Combine Overwatch, serving as the main "soldier" enemies in the game and a successor to monster_human_grunt from Half-Life...
Combine Overwiki Half Life: Alyx; Combine Soldier/Quotes; Civil Protection/Quotes; Overwatch Voice/QuotesValve Developer Community Sentences.txt; List of HL2 Soundscapes; Standoffs; Assault; Police; AI Learning: CombineSoldierReddit What do the Overwatch codes mean? ; Combine Phonetic Alphabetdtjnbrp...
Did I say that Half-Life 2 has the best AI ever made? No. Did I say it was better than everything during its time? No. Did I say it was better than modern day? No. I said for its time it was good AI; I guess I used the word 'astonishing' to spice up the vocabulary over...
Combine (Half-Life 2) 更多 combine 的语法和变格 the Combine 更多 COMBINE 例句与“ combine " 变形 干 In the areas relating to the management of natural resources, the Illicit Crop Monitoring Programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime combines ground- and remote-sensing-ba...
Once the mine has settled, it checks what is below it. Since there's a gap in the middle, the first thing the line encounters is the world.combine_mine is a point entity available in Half-Life 2 series. Known as "hoppers" by citizens, these mines embed themselves into the ground and... Ive seen another version of this long ago where the box was missing in the guns so I assumed it was a bull pup. It actually helped inspire my own design of a pulse bullpup gun shown here. You can use it for reference if you want. ...