#1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null 原因:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。(使⽤了auto_increment )解决⽅法:修改my.ini,将 sql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION”改为 sql-mode=”NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION”。重新启动MySQL。Linux 下是改 ...
#1264 - Out of range value for column ‘’ at row 1 #1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null 原因:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。(使用了auto_increment ) 解决方法: 修改my.ini,将 sql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION” 改为 sql-mode=”NO_AUTO_CREATE_US...
#1264 - Out of range value for column ‘’ at row 1 #1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null 原因:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。(使用了auto_increment ) 解决方法: 修改my.ini,将 sql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION” 改为 sql-mode=”NO_AUTO_CREATE_US...
#1264 - Out of range value for column ‘’ at row 1 #1048 - Column 'id' cannot be null 原因:新版本的MySQL对字段的严格检查。(使用了auto_increment ) 解决方法: 修改my.ini,将sql-mode=”STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION”改为sql-mode=”NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,N...
Exploring on 5.0: Breakpoint 1, my_error (nr=1048, MyFlags=0) at my_error.c:77 Current language: auto; currently c (gdb) wher #0 my_error (nr=1048, MyFlags=0) at my_error.c:77 #1 0x0839ba02 in set_field_to_null_with_conversions (field=0x8dd11f0, no_conversions=false) at...
No longer repeatable in 5.6. [19 Jun 2015 8:13] Jon Armstrong The original behavior is gone, but is now replaced with another bug. The expected NULL in the rollup row is now replaced by 0 for the given test-case. That's incorrect behavior. According to the 5.7 documentation, NULL is...
文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 ttfy1332的专栏 fy1332的专栏 CColumn'name'cannotbenullQuery:insertintocategory olumn'name'cannotbenullQuery:insertintocategory (id,name,description)values(?,?,?)Paramet (id,name,description)values(?,?,?)Paramet 2013-01-1722:15157人阅读评论(0)收藏举报 2013-1-1722:...
Starting in SQL Server 2012, this can be a meta data operation adding-not-null-columns-as-an-online-operation. If this is used when the related column isn't also being added then it has no effect. Specifies that the value given in DEFAULT constant_expression is stored in a new column ...
Please use DBNull instead. This only seems to happen when the value member is of Integer type. Ive tried replacing the "ClassID = -1" to "ClassID =DBNull.Value" and it doesnt work. Technically, the ClassID = -1 should work but no go. Ive even go...
applies only to columns of the type Calculated or CalculatedTableColumn. Incomplete (8) Some parts of the column have no data, and the column needs to be refreshed to bring the data in. The column is queryable. This state applies only to columns of the type Data. SyntaxError (9) The co...