`settletime` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Batch settle time', `dbtime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'Database insert time', `who` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Insert user and machine name', PRIMARY KEY (`uid`), UNIQUE KEY `ix_guid...
$utente = User::firstOrCreate( ['email' => $adesione->utente_email], [ 'id' => $adesione->utente_id, 'name' => $adesione->utente_name, 'password' => Str::random(40), 'created_at'=> $adesione->utente_registerDate, ] ); $uid = ...
所以数据库会保证只有一个 唯一确定的记录,当两个请求同时向数据库插入相同的OPEN_UID和LOGIN_TYPE时,会采用抢占式插入,谁先插入其他方就不能再...1、问题是:如果多线程之下同时查询一条数据查不到,则去插入,插入的时候也是多线程插入。所以想到用select for update来控制不允许多线程插入(其实这种方式并没有...
Hi people,Can anyone explain me, confirm this or find a reason why this happendI have one PowerQuery report (energy consumption) I track quite frequently...
"uid":190211,"login":"Toby McDaid","deleted":false,"avatar":{"__typename":"UserAvatar","url":"https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/s/gxcuf89792/m_assets/avatars/default/avatar-3.svg"},"rank":{"__ref":"Rank:rank:35"},"email":"","messagesCount":75,"bio...
usermod: no changes Docker 'azuracast' User UID: 1000 Docker 'azuracast' User GID: 1000 ** Startup script complete. ** Running startup script '/etc/my_init.d/01_self_signed_ssl.sh'... rm: cannot remove '/var/azuracast/acme/default.key': Device or resource busy rm: cannot remove...
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Column 'goodsName' cannot be null 出现这错误,是我封装页面的时候出现的错误。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 privatevoidaddGoods(HttpServletRequest request, ...
修改创建外表ARN(odps.properties.rolearn)参数的值,ARN值的具体组成格式为acs:ram::<UID>:role/<Role>。 其中: UID:正常为16位数字。 Role:为RAM上用户自己定义的角色名称。 示例 'odps.properties.rolearn'='acs:ram::189xxxxxxx76:role/aliyunpaiaccessingossrole' ...
How to get Schema name from uid column in dbo.sysobjects in sql server 2000? How to get SQL server IP ? How to get START DATE and END DATE from month number and Year How to get string array in string variable in SQL SERVER How to get tab delimited text file when Stored Procedure ex...