error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 文心快码BaiduComate 当你遇到错误 error: column reference "id" is ambiguous 时,这通常意味着在你的SQL查询中,id 列在多个表中存在,而你没有明确指定你想要引用的是哪个表的 id 列。为了解决这个问题,你可以按照以下步骤操作: 确定查询中涉及的表格及其别名: 首先...
postgrescolumnreferenceidisambiguous 在执⾏函数时会出现该问题 解决办法:在查询时为表格指定别名,并且查询字段指定表名如:table.field_name 不过说来也奇怪,我就查⼀个表,怎么会出现模糊的字段呢 -- 销售报表查询条件,汇总⽅式可能会有多种情况,/* ⽉环⽐:1. 每个客户的环⽐,2. 每个销售⼈员...
postgres column reference "id" is ambiguous 在执行函数时会出现该问题 解决办法: 在查询时为表格指定别名,并且查询字段指定表名如:table.field_name 不过说来也奇怪,我就查一个表,怎么会出现模糊的字段呢 -- 销售报表查询条件,汇总方式可能会有多种情况, /* 月环比: 1. 每个客户的环比, 2. 每个销售人员...
如果没有出现MySQL column reference “username” is ambiguous问题的错误提示,那么我们就成功解决了这个问题。 结论 通过明确指定表名或者使用别名来解决MySQL column reference “username” is ambiguous问题,我们可以避免在多表查询中出现列名不明确的错误。在编写查询语句时,确保使用完整的表名或者别名,能够准确地指定...
Hi all, I’m using the script below on a property change event of a PLC tag and I get the error column reference “serialnumber” is ambiguous. Anybody know what that means? Thanks! if currentValue.value == True: la…
ERROR: column reference "z" is ambiguous at character 8 STATEMENT: SELECT z FROM x, y Explanation: This error occurs when the referenced column can't be resolved unambiguously. This may occur when you have two tables that have columns with the same name. ... 我有study和study_user 两张表,它们都有一个列叫user_id, 我用study去include study_user,以下是我的查询语句: let studies = await Study.findAll({ where: { department_id: { []: upsDepartments, }, '...
Hi, the bug 'column reference "id" is ambiguous' is resolved. But now we have a new problem when pk name is different from default (id) and the autocomplete field is a foreign key. The problem is in "SELECT (CASE WHEN the_pk_name='877' THEN 0 END) AS "ordering", "autht..."...
Hi, I have some simple questions created on metabase and PostgreSQL, and after the migration for the latest version i'm getting the following error: I found the generated query on postgresql logs as the following: select count(*) as "cou...
PG::AmbiguousColumn: ERROR: column reference "name" is ambiguousというエラーが出ます. 解決策 上記のエラーはnameカラムが曖昧だというエラーです。 そこでカテゴリモデルのスコープメソッドにテーブル名を付けます。 category.rb classCategory<ApplicationRecordhas_many:category_users,dependent: ...