Colt Army Special (Early) Crane Shim Shim Thickness Choice Enter Choice / Request Below ITEM # C-1917NS-CYL Colt M1917 / Colt New Service Cylinder Shims Nominal O.D. of .480" X I.D. of .376" Also Known to Fit: High Standard Marshall W-105 Assortment Listed at Top of This Sectio...
Army Colt, 1943 German Walther, Bankers Special, Colt, gun auction, Gun History, Gun Nation, Japanese Iwo Jima Flag, luger, M1 Garand, News, online auction, Op-Ed, Springfield, Uncategorized, Walther, Will Sullivan Auction Co. March 15, 2024 Bid Now: Final Day of Huge Online Gun ...
In the January issue I did a feature onColt’s 3rd Generation of Single Action Army sixguns. So it’s only fitting to discuss their immediate predecessor—the 2nd Generation. Some even consider the 2nd Generation guns the best of all three generations. With the nationwide popularity of televis...
I have two original Pythons from the 1960s to compare with the new Python. My original Python came about as a result of lust, I admit it. Sixgun lust. I managed to ignore the Python in the 1950s. The translation meaning I couldn’t afford one and also buy a Colt Single Action Arm...
(720p) 38:17 Peter_Hofer_present_at_The_World_Gunmakers_Virtua 20:19 Perdition_to_Conspirators!_Magnificent_14-Barrel_ 08:32 Pawn_Stars__Remington_New_Model_Army_.44___Histor 05:13 PIAT_ Britain's Answer to the Anti-Tank 12:28 Philippine Scouts Presentation (Part 4) 17:12 Pavesi ...
In 1958, the Army Marksmanship Unit of Fort Benning, would have been at the origin of developments relating to the adaptation of the .38 S&W Special revolver cartridge (wad cutter) to a Colt Government. Colt furnished the kits of conversion to this end. The .38 barrel bore only one ...
The Police Positive was somewhat lighter than either the Smith & Wesson Military and Police or the Colt Army Special, and with its mild-mannered cartridges (.32 Colt New Police and .38 Smith & Wesson), the revolver was easy to shoot. And it shot well indeed, thanks in part, Colt claime...
The .45 was considered acceptable by the US Cavalry when it was adopted by the Army, right? I would assume the round would be more than adequate for taking care of any unwanted critters around the homestead as well as being fun for targets and plinking...A guy on another forum had pos...
Army Special Forces, as well as foreign military and both U.S. and foreign law enforcement. Its short-recoil self-loading system was very innovative for 1911 and was widely copied. Browning's design has been the dominant one for centerfire semiautomatic pistols through the 20th century and ...
It was epitomized by the Colt Single Action Army (SAA), a six-shooter that was made for the military, but was also very popular with civilians, especially lawmen. At the time of its introduction, it was state-of-the-art and could be found in the holsters of town marshals, rangers, ...